Nonindustrial photoelectric switches for lighting control
1.1 Requirements contained in this Standard cover controls of the light-sensitive or presence-sensitive
types, or both; for indoor or outdoor service; intended for the control of indoor or outdoor loads up to a
maximum of 20 A and maximum 347 V; intended for installations on 50 Hz or 60 HZ systems or DC up
to 60 V (for US); and DC up to 42.4 V (for Canada); and intended to be installed in…
Automatic electrical controls - Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60730-1:2013+A1:2015 applies to automatic electrical controls for use in, on, or in association with equipment for household and similar use. The equipment may use electricity, gas, oil, solid fuel, solar thermal energy, etc., or a combination thereof. This standard is applicable to controls for building automation within the scope of ISO 16484. This standard also applies to automatic…
Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products — Implementation guidelines for data eleme...
ISO/TS 19844:2015 is used in the implementation of ISO 11238. ISO/TS 19844:2015 defines substances based on their scientific identity (i.e. what they are) rather than on their use or method of production.
ISO 11238 provides the conceptual framework for defining substances and specified substances and for assigning unique identifiers in the context of the ISO IDMP standards. ISO 11238 describes…
Electronic fee collection — Information exchange between service provision and toll charging
ISO 12855:2015 specifies
- the interfaces between electronic fee collection (EFC) systems for vehicle related transport services, e.g. road user charging, parking and access control; it does not cover interfaces for EFC systems for public transport; an EFC system can include any EFC system, e.g. including systems that automatically read licence plate numbers of vehicles passing a toll point…
Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment - Part 2: Sectional specification - Lead-screw actuat...
IEC 60393-2:2015 applies to lead-screw actuated and rotary preset potentiometers, wirewound and non-wirewound for use in electronic equipment. These potentiometers are primarily intended for use in circuits for trimming purposes which require infrequent adjustments.
This part of IEC 60393 prescribes preferred ratings and characteristics and selects from IEC 60393-1 the appropriate quality…
Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment - Part 5: Sectional specification - Single-turn rotar...
IEC 60393-5:2015 applies to single-turn rotary low-power wirewound and non-wirewound potentiometers, with a rated dissipation less than to 10 W. These potentiometers are primarily intended for use in electronic equipment. This part of IEC 60393 prescribes preferred ratings and characteristics and selects from IEC 60393-1, appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods. It…
Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment - Part 6: Sectional specification - Surface mount pre...
IEC 60393-6:2015 applies to surface mount preset potentiometers for use in electronic equipment. This part of IEC 60393 prescribes preferred ratings and characteristics and selects from IEC 60393-1, the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods, and it gives general performance requirements for this type of potentiometers. This standard gives the minimum performance…
Accessible design — Shape and colour of a flushing button and a call button, and their arrangement w...
ISO 19026:2015 specifies shapes and colours of a flushing button and a call button of lavatory which are installed on the wall and their arrangement with a paper dispenser. This International Standard is only applicable in case of installing a flushing button and/or a call button on the wall of seat-type lavatory in public restrooms (general toilet compartments and toilet compartments with…
Industrial networks - Wireless communication network and communication profiles - WIA-PA
IEC 62061:2015 specifies the system architecture and the communication protocol of Wireless networks for Industrial Automation - Process Automation (WIA-PA) that is built on IEEE STD 802.15.4-2011. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with…
Glass in building — Pendulum impact testing and classification of safety glass
The purpose of ISO 29584:2015 is to evaluate, by means of soft body impactors, safe breakage characteristics of glazing products intended to reduce cutting and piercing injuries to persons through accidental impact.
ISO 29584:2015 examines test methods currently employed to determine the pendulum impact performance of safety glass. Use of the methodologies in this International Standard improves…