Space systems — Space environment simulation for material tests — General principles and criteria
ISO 17851:2016 provides a general description of the whole set of space environment components which affect spacecrafts in various outer space regions, and the physical and chemical processes causing material degradation in a space environment, including synergistic effects. This International Standard defines the most important general principles and criteria of space environment simulation…
Standard Method of Fire Test for Heat and Visible Smoke Release for Discrete Products
This is a fire test method for determining the fire performance and smoke characteristics of discrete products (including but not limited to electrical and plumbing equipment). These products are subjected to an open flame ignition source and evaluated using a product calorimeter to determine the rate of heat release and the rate of smoke release of the burning product samples.
NOTE: Discrete…
Medical devices — Quality management systems — Requirements for regulatory purposes
This International Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system where an
organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide medical devices and related services that
consistently meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements. Such organizations can be involved
in one or more stages of the life-cycle, including design and development, production, storage and…
Gas clothes dryers, volume II, type 2 clothes dryers
This Standard applies to newly produced type 2 clothes dryers (see Clause 3) hereinafter referred to as
dryers, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials for use with:
a) natural gas;
b) manufactured gas;
c) mixed gas;
d) propane gas; and
e) LP gas-air mixtures.
The construction of dryers for use with the above-mentioned gases is covered in Clause 4.
The performance of…
Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Symbols for op...
ISO 3767-1:2016 standardizes symbols for use on operator controls and other displays applicable to multiple types of agricultural tractors and machinery, forestry machinery, and powered lawn and garden equipment.
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — Tracheal tubes and connectors
ISO 5361:2016 provides essential performance and safety requirements for oro-tracheal and naso-tracheal tubes and tracheal tube connectors. Tracheal tubes with walls reinforced with metal or nylon, tracheal tubes with shoulders, tapered tracheal tubes, tracheal tubes with means for suctioning, monitoring or delivery of drugs or other gases, and the many other types of tracheal tubes devised for…
1.1 Ces exigences visent la construction et le fonctionnement des extincteurs portatifs à agent à base
d’eau. Elles ne visent toutefois pas le fonctionnement au cours des essais de réaction au feu. Ces
extincteurs sont destinés à être utilisés conformément à la norme Standard for Portable Fire
Extinguishers, NFPA 10 et au Code national de prévention des incendies du Canada.
1.2 Les exigences…
Surface cleaning appliances - Part 1: General requirements on test material and test equipment
IEC TS 62885-1:2016(E) specifies the physical characteristics of test equipment and material used in tests common for several products covered by standards in the IEC 62885 series for surface cleaning appliances. In addition, it provides guidance regarding the evaluation of Wilton and other types of carpets to determine their acceptability for testing. Currently, this specification covers only…
Système de codage des coûts standard pour les installations de production et de traitement du pétrol...
ISO 19008:2016 décrit le système de codage des coûts standard (SCCS) qui classe les coûts et les quantités liés à la prospection, au développement, à l'exploitation et au retrait des installations de production et de traitement de pétrole et de gaz, et ceux liés à l'industrie du pétrole, de la pétrochimie et du gaz naturel. Les catégories d'activité amont, intermédiaire, aval et…
Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction
IEC 61730-1:2016 specifies and describes the fundamental construction requirements for photovoltaic (PV) modules in order to provide safe electrical and mechanical operation. Specific topics are provided to assess the prevention of electrical shock, fire hazards, and personal injury due to mechanical and environmental stresses. This part of IEC 61730 pertains to the particular requirements of…