Electrical installations in ships – Part 354: Single- and three-core power cables with extruded soli...
IEC 60092-354:2020 is applicable to shipboard and offshore power cables with extruded solid insulation, conductor and core screening, having a voltage rating of one of the following: 3,6/6 (7,2) kV,6/10 (12) kV, 8,7/15 (17,5) kV, 12/20 (24) kV, 18/30 (36) kV. The cables are intended for fixed installations. The various types of power cables are given in 5.1. The constructional requirements and…
Electrofusion-type polyethylene (PE) fittings for gas services
1 Scope
This Standard covers socket- and saddle-type polyethylene (PE) electrofusion fittings that are used to join PE pipe where the heat source is an integral part of the fitting.
Note: Fittings covered by this Standard are connected to an electrical power source during the fusion process. Power sources, cables, and electrical connections are covered by the Canadian Electrical Code, Part…
1 Scope
This Standard covers polyethylene (PE) pipe, tubing, and fittings for use in gas mains and services, including gathering, transmission, and distribution of fuel gases containing not more than 1% aromatic hydrocarbons.
This Standard covers all types of fittings and connections used in plastic gas pipe systems, including
plastic-to-metal transition fittings;
Polypropylene (PP-R & PP-RCT) pipe and fittings for pressure applications
1 Scope
This Standard covers two types of polypropylene (PP) pipe and fittings – polypropylene random copolymer (PP-R) and polypropylene random copolymer with modified crystallinity and temperature resistance (PP-RCT) intended for use in pressure applications such as hot and cold potable water distribution systems, process piping, reclaimed/recycled water systems, water service, hydronic…
1 Scope
This Standard covers polyamide (PA) pipe, tubing, and fittings for use in gas mains and services, including the gathering, transmission, and distribution of gases that can contain aromatic hydrocarbons.
This Standard covers all types of fittings and connections used in PA piping systems for gas services, including plastic-to-metal transition fittings, plastic component…
Shielded power cable for commercial and industrial applications, 5–46 kV
1 Scope
This Standard applies to the materials, construction, and testing of one- to four-conductor cross-linked polyethylene and ethylene propylene rubber-insulated shielded power cables, rated 5–46 kV, that are used for the distribution of electrical energy under normal conditions of installation and service in indoor, outdoor, aerial, underground, or underwater locations.
1 Scope
1.1 General
This Standard applies to occupational diving operations conducted in connection with all types of work and employment, and describes the requirements for occupational safety.
Note: It is recognized that certain underwater tasks might require specialized standards of practice and/or operational techniques that differ from the requirements of this Standard yet may be…
Diesel fuel containing low levels of biodiesel (B1–B5)
This standard applies to two types of diesel fuel, Type A, Bx and Type B, Bx. Both are suitable for use in high-speed
diesel engine powered equipment for on-road and off-road applications and in select equipment powered by medium
speed diesel engines.
Bx represents biodiesel fuel containing x percent by volume of biodiesel component in the range of 1.0 to 5.
Type A, Bx is intended for use in…
This standard applies to Type B, Bxx diesel fuel containing from 6% to 20% by volume of biodiesel. Fuel meeting
this standard is intended for use in high-speed diesel powered equipment for on-road and off-road applications and
in select equipment powered by medium-speed diesel engines.
Users of fuel meeting this standard are advised to refer to the owner’s manual of their vehicle, engine or…
This standard applies to three types of middle distillate fuel oils that are suitable for use in liquid fuel burning
equipment without preheating (Types 0, 1 and 2), and three types of fuel oils that contain residual fuel components
and require preheating (Types 4, 5 and 6).
The heating fuel oils covered by this standard are intended for use in oil burning equipment to generate heat for…