Information technology - Systems and software engineering - Guide for configuration management tool ...
Configuration management (CM) is a process central to the software engineering life cycle. CM has been established as an ISO/IEC standard life cycle process in ISO/IEC 12207:2008, Information technology — Software life cycle processes and ISO/IEC 15288: 2008, Information technology — System life cycle processes.
ISO/IEC 12207:2008 and ISO/IEC 15288:2008 describe a comprehensive set of processes…
TECHNICAL GUIDE: Performance improvement for small & medium sized water utilities
About this Technical Guide Utility owners and operators strive for continuous improvement of their water systems and the development of their staff. This ensures that they are able to meet and exceed users' needs, are cost efficient and effective in the use of resources to ensure sustainability, and are meeting the applicable environmental and health regulations.
Bases for design of structures — General principles on risk assessment of systems involving structur...
ISO 13824:2009 specifies general principles on risk assessment of systems involving structures. The focus is on strategic and operational decision-making related to design, assessment, maintenance and decommissioning of structures. This also includes formulation and calibration of related codes and standards. Systems involving structures can expose stakeholders at various levels in society to…
Security management systems for the supply chain — Electronic port clearance (EPC) — Part 2: Core da...
ISO/PAS 28005-2:2009 contains technical specifications that facilitate efficient exchange of electronic information between ships and shore for coastal transit or port calls. It is intended to cover safety and security information requirements related mainly to the relationships between the ship and the port and coastal state authorities as defined below.
ISO/PAS 28005-2:2009 contains the…
Systems and software engineering - Requirements for testers and reviewers of user documentation
ISO/IEC 26513:2009 supports the interest of software users in receiving consistent, complete, accurate, and usable documentation. It defines the process in which user documentation products are tested.
ISO/IEC 26513:2009 is intended neither to encourage nor discourage the use of either printed or electronic (on-screen) media for documentation, or of any particular documentation testing or…
Systems and software engineering - Requirements for testers and reviewers of user documentation
ISO/IEC 26513:2009 supports the interest of software users in receiving consistent, complete, accurate, and usable documentation. It defines the process in which user documentation products are tested.
ISO/IEC 26513:2009 is intended neither to encourage nor discourage the use of either printed or electronic (on-screen) media for documentation, or of any particular documentation testing or…
Information technology - Document description and processing languages - Minimum requirements for sp...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 24754:2008.
1 Scope
When a structured document is interchanged between an originator and a recipient, the recipient refers to the style specifications that the originator provides to reconstruct the presentation. However, when the recipient does not have sufficient rendering functionality, it may fail to…
Information and documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element set
ISO 15836:2009 establishes a standard for cross-domain resource description, known as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. Like RFC 3986, ISO 15836:2009 does not limit what might be a resource.
ISO 15836:2009 defines the elements typically used in the context of an application profile which constrains or specifies their use in accordance with local or community-based requirements and policies.…
Multimedia home server systems - Conceptual model for digital rights management
It explains the conceptual model of a protocol specification to exchange licence information between DRM modules and outlines what should be defined as standards.
Information Technology - Multimedia Framework (MPEG-21) - Part 15: Event Reporting
This National Standard of anada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 21000-15:2006.
1 Scope
1.1 General
This part of ISO/IEC 21000 specifies
- how to express Event Report Requests (ER-R) that contain information about which Events to report, what information is to be reported and to whom;
- how to express Event Reports (ER) which are created by an MPEG-21 Peer in response to an…