Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Part 16: Crypto suit...
ISO/IEC 29167-16:2015 describes a crypto suite based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for the ISO/IEC 18000‑ series of standards protocol. In particular, it specifies the use of Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key agreement in a secure channel establishment and the use of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) in an authentication mechanism.
ISO/IEC 29167-16:2015 specifies a…
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Part 16: Crypto suit...
ISO/IEC 29167-16:2015 describes a crypto suite based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for the ISO/IEC 18000‑ series of standards protocol. In particular, it specifies the use of Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key agreement in a secure channel establishment and the use of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) in an authentication mechanism.
ISO/IEC 29167-16:2015 specifies a…
Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated comm...
ISO/TS 15638-13:2015 addresses the provision of ?Mass (4.37) information for jurisdictional control and enforcement' and specifies the form and content of such data required to support such systems and access methods (4.3) to that data.
The Scope of this part of ISO 15638 is to provide specifications (4.50) for common communications and data exchange aspects of the application service (4.6)…
Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Part 14: Crypto suit...
ISO/IEC 29167-14:2015 defines the cryptographic suite for AES using OFB mode (AES OFB) for the ISO/IEC 18000‑63 air interface standard for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices. Its purpose is to provide a common cryptographic suite for security for RFID devices that can be referenced by ISO committees for air interface standards and application standards.
ISO/IEC 29167-14:2015 specifies…
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Part 14: Crypto suit...
ISO/IEC 29167-14:2015 defines the cryptographic suite for AES using OFB mode (AES OFB) for the ISO/IEC 18000‑63 air interface standard for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices. Its purpose is to provide a common cryptographic suite for security for RFID devices that can be referenced by ISO committees for air interface standards and application standards.
ISO/IEC 29167-14:2015 specifies…
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) -Part 456: Solved power system stat...
IEC 61970-456:2013+A1:2015(E) defines the subset of classes, class attributes, and roles from the CIM necessary to describe the result of state estimation, power flow and other similar applications that produce a steady-state solution of a power network, under a set of use cases which are included informatively in this standard. This standard is intended for two distinct audiences, data producers…
Health informatics — Principles and data requirements for consent in the Collection, Use or Disclosu...
ISO/TS 17975:2015 defines the set of frameworks of consent for the Collection, Use and/or Disclosure of personal information by health care practitioners or organizations that are frequently used to obtain agreement to process the personal health information of subjects of care. This is in order to provide an Informational Consent framework which can be specified and used by individual policy…
A Guideline for accountable management of end-of-life materials
1.1 Objectives
This Guideline has been developed to aid primary and secondary service providers and to establish a set
of common definitions, performance metrics, and reporting requirements in support of best practices in
the management of end-of-life (EOL) materials.
In addition to providing a consistent framework that will allow for more effective and informed decision
making on EOL…
Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Part 10: Crypto suit...
ISO/IEC 29167-10:2015 defines the crypto suite for AES 128 for the ISO/IEC 18000 air interfaces standards for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices. Its purpose is to provide a common crypto suite for security for RFID devices that might be referred by ISO committees for air interface standards and application standards.
This part of ISO/IEC 29167 specifies a crypto suite for AES 128 for…
Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Part 12: Crypto suit...
ISO/IEC 29167-12:2015 defines the crypto suite for ECC-DH for the ISO/IEC 18000 air interfaces standards for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices. Its purpose is to provide a common crypto suite with Diffie-Hellmann-based authentication using ECC (elliptic curve cryptography) over binary fields for security for RFID devices that may be referred by ISO committees for air interface…