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Code de la Norme nationale du Canada (NNC)
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Affichage 111 - 120 de 293
Industrial communication networks — Network and system security — Part 2-1: Establishing an industri...
This part of IEC 62443 defines the elements necessary to establish a cyber security management system (CSMS) for industrial automation and control systems (IACS) and provides guidance on how to develop those elements. This standard uses the broad definition and scope of what constitutes an IACS described in IEC/TS 62443-1-1. The elements of a CSMS described in this standard are mostly policy,…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 33.040
Intelligent transport systems — Vehicle/roadway warning and control systems — Report on standardisat...
ISO/TR 20545:2017 provides the results of consideration on potential areas and items of standardization for automated driving systems. In this document, automated driving systems are defined as systems that control longitudinal and lateral motions of the vehicle at the same time. Potential standardization areas and items are widely extracted and marshalled in a systematic manner to distinguish…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.20; 35.240.60
Gas-fired appliances for use at high altitudes
1.1 This Standard covers the construction and performance* (see Clause 3, Definitions) of gas-fired appliances with inputs up to and including 400 000 Btu/h (117.23 kW)† to determine their suitability for use at high altitude. The appliances include furnaces, boilers, room heaters, unit heaters, water heaters, and such other appliances where field conditions indicate the necessity of testing for…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
27.060.20; 27.060.30
Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated comm...
ISO 15638-10:2017 addresses the provision of ?Emergency messaging system/eCall' using the TARV framework, architecture and communications methodology (as defined in ISO 15638‑1 to 6) and specifies the form and content of such data required to support such systems, and access methods (3.1) to that data. ISO 15638-10:2017 provides specifications (3.40) for common communications and data…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.20; 35.240.60
Document management — Assessing ECM/EDRM implementations — Trustworthiness
ISO 18829:2017 identifies activities and operations that an organization needs to perform, or have performed, to evaluate whether the electronically stored information (ESI) is or was maintained in a reliable and trustworthy environment(s). These environments utilize content or records management technologies commonly referred to as either enterprise content management (ECM) or electronic…
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Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated comm...
ISO 15638-18:2017 addresses the provision of "ADR (dangerous goods)" and specifies the form and content of such data required to support such systems and access methods to that data. The scope of this document is to provide specifications for common communications and data exchange aspects of the application service ADR (dangerous goods) that a regulator may elect to require or support…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.20; 35.240.60
Lifts (elevators), escalators and moving walks — Programmable electronic systems in safety-related a...
ISO 22201-1:2017 is applicable to the product family of passenger and goods/passenger lifts used in residential buildings, offices, hospitals, hotels, industrial plants, etc. This document covers those aspects that it is necessary to address when programmable electronic systems are used to carry out electric safety functions for lifts (PESSRAL). This document is applicable for lift safety…
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Rubber — Comprehensive review of the composition and nature of process fumes in the rubber industry
ISO/TR 21275:2017, based on 95 publications, gives an overview of what is the composition of the fumes emitted during the rubber manufacturing processes. The results obtained confirm that rubber fumes are a complex and variable mix of chemicals which have a wide range of possible sources and origins, including chemicals generated from the chemical reactions occurring in the rubber compounds…
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Establishing and implementing action levels for releases to the environment from nuclear facilities
1.1 Facilities 1.1.1 Types of facilities This Standard addresses the establishment and implementation of ALs for Class I nuclear facilities and uranium mines and mills. Notes: 1) In this Standard, any type of Class I nuclear facility or uranium mine and mill is included in the term “nuclear facilities”. 2) Conventional waste management facilities (e.g., landfills, incinerators,…
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Soil quality — Sampling — Part 101: Framework for the preparation and application of a sampling plan
ISO 18400-101:2017 specifies the procedural elements to be taken in the preparation and application of a sampling plan. The sampling plan describes among other things what laboratory samples are to be taken, how they are to be taken and from where they are to be taken, in order that the objectives of the investigation programme can be achieved. The principles or basic rules outlined in this…
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