Wildland firefighting personal protective equipment — Requirements and test methods — Part 2: Compat...
This document specifies the minimum performance requirements and test methods for assessing compatibility of wildland firefighters' personal protective equipment (PPE).
This document does not cover PPE for structural firefighting (see ISO 11999 series), for use against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards, or for use where a reflective outer surface is required (see ISO…
Geosynthetics — Index test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading ...
This document describes an index test procedure for simulating mechanical damage to geosynthetics, caused by granular material, under repeated loading. The damage is assessed visually and by the loss of tensile strength.
Other reference tests can be used to assess the damage caused by this test. The test method described is an index test procedure, using a standard granular material, and is not…
Road Vehicles — Aerosol separator performance test for internal combustion engines — Part 4: Laborat...
This document defines standardized and repeatable test procedures for the evaluation of blowby oil aerosol separators and filtering devices and specifies laboratory fractional separation efficiency in both open and closed crankcase ventilation systems.
Filter life is not evaluated in this document.
The conditioned portion of this test only applies to filters that can meet the Dp stability…
Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 28-100: Signal in...
IEC 60512-28-100:2019 specifies the test methods for signal integrity and transmission performance for connectors specified in respective parts of IEC 60603-7, IEC 61076-1, IEC 61076-2, and IEC 61076-3 standards for connecting hardware applications up to 2 000 MHz. It is also suitable for testing lower frequency connectors, however, the test methodology specified in the detail specification for…
Optics and photonics — Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems — Part 8: Surface te...
This document specifies rules for the indication of the surface texture of optical elements, in the ISO 10110 series, which standardizes drawing indications for optical elements and systems. Surface texture is the characteristic of a surface that can be effectively described with statistical methods. Typically, surface texture is associated with high spatial frequency errors (roughness) and mid-…
Guidelines for ensuring the coherence of IEC publications - Horizontal functions, horizontal publica...
IEC GUIDE 108:2019 defines rules for dealing with horizontal functions and horizontal publications. This Guide is to be used in conjunction with the ISO/IEC Directives and with the aspect specific Guides.
The fundamental concept of a horizontal publication is that it is an international publication (not a TS or a PAS) that is widely applicable and to be used by all relevant committees and that…
Information technology - Electronic discovery - Part 1: Overview and concepts
Electronic discovery is the process of discovering pertinent Electronically Stored Information (ESI) or data by one or more parties involved in an investigation or litigation, or similar proceeding. This document provides an overview of electronic discovery. In addition, it defines related terms and describes the concepts, including, but not limited to, identification, preservation, collection,…
Information technology — Electronic discovery — Part 1: Overview and concepts
Electronic discovery is the process of discovering pertinent Electronically Stored Information (ESI) or data by one or more parties involved in an investigation or litigation, or similar proceeding. This document provides an overview of electronic discovery. In addition, it defines related terms and describes the concepts, including, but not limited to, identification, preservation, collection,…
Radiological protection — Monitoring and internal dosimetry for specific materials — Part 2: Ingesti...
This document specifies the minimum requirements for the design of professional programmes to monitor workers exposed to a risk of ingestion to uranium compounds. This document establishes principles for the development of compatible goals and requirements for monitoring programmes and dose assessment for workers occupationally exposed to internal contamination. It establishes procedures and…
Safety of laser products - Part 5: Manufacturer's checklist for IEC 60825-1
IEC TR 60825-5:2019 is applicable to laser products as described in IEC 60825-1:2014.
The checklist is intended for use by manufacturers of laser products and their agents to establish that each new or modified design complies with the requirements of IEC 60825-1:2014. The checklist is used in conjunction with IEC 60825-1, as relevant clauses and subclauses in IEC 60825-1 are referred to in the…