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Code de la Norme nationale du Canada (NNC)
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Affichage 3931 - 3940 de 28141
Electricity metering equipment - Particular requirements - Part 22: Static meters for AC active ener...
IEC 62053-22:2020 applies only to transformer operated static watt-hour meters of accuracy classes 0,1 S, 0,2 S and 0,5 S for the measurement of alternating current electrical active energy in 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks and it applies to their type tests only. This document applies to electricity metering equipment designed to: • measure and control electrical energy on electrical networks (mains…
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Electricity metering equipment - Particular requirements - Part 23: Static meters for reactive energ...
IEC 62053-23:2020 applies only to static var-hour meters of accuracy classes 2 and 3 for the measurement of alternating current electrical reactive energy in 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks and it applies to their type tests only. For practical reasons, this document is based on a conventional definition of reactive energy for sinusoidal currents and voltages containing the fundamental frequency only.…
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Electricity metering equipment - Particular requirements - Part 24: Static meters for fundamental co...
IEC 62053-24:2020 applies only to static var-hour meters of accuracy classes 0,5S, 1S, 1, 2 and 3 for the measurement of alternating current electrical reactive energy in 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks and it applies to their type tests only. This document uses a conventional definition of reactive energy where the reactive power and energy is calculated from the fundamental frequency components of the…
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17.220.20; 91.140.50
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 1-2: Guideline on extending I...
IEC TS 61850-1-2:2020, which is a technical specification, is intended for any users but primarily for standardization bodies that are considering using IEC 61850 as a base standard within the scope of their work and are willing to extend it as allowed by the IEC 61850 standards. This document identifies the required steps and high-level requirements in achieving such extensions of IEC 61850 and…
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Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC) — Part 3: Reference data sets for...
This document describes examples for software validation for SPC software implementing the standards of the ISO 7870 series on control charts and the ISO 22514 series on capability and performance. In detail ISO 7870‑2, ISO 22514‑2 and ISO 22514‑8 are covered. It provides data sets and test results for testing the implementation of the evaluation methods described in these standards. This…
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Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio d...
CISPR 16-1-4:2019+A1:2020 specifies the characteristics and performance of equipment for the measurement of radiated disturbances in the frequency range 9 kHz to 18 GHz. Specifications for antennas and test sites are included. NOTE In accordance with IEC Guide 107, CISPR 16-1-4 is a basic EMC publication for use by product committees of the IEC. As stated in Guide 107, product committees are…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
33.100.10; 33.100.20
Vacuum technology — Standard methods for measuring vacuum-pump performance — Part 1: General descrip...
This document specifies three methods for measuring the volume flow rate and one method each for measuring the base pressure, the compression ratio, and the critical backing pressure of a vacuum pump. The first method for measuring the volume flow rate (the throughput method) is the basic concept, in which a steady gas flow is injected into the pump while the inlet pressure is measured. In…
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Vacuum technology — Standard methods for measuring vacuum-pump performance — Part 2: Positive displa...
This document specifies methods for measuring the volume flow rate, base pressure, water vapour tolerance, power consumption, and the lowest start-up temperature of positive displacement vacuum pumps, which discharge gas against atmospheric pressure and with a usual base pressure <10 kPa. In this document, it is necessary to use the determinations of volume flow rate and base pressure…
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Belt drives — Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — PK profile: Dimensions
This document specifies the principal dimensional characteristics of V-ribbed pulley groove profiles, together with the corresponding endless V-ribbed belts of PK profile which are used predominantly for automotive accessory drive applications. This document does not apply to the complete array of V-ribbed belts and pulleys of PH, PJ, PK, PL and PM profile for industrial and other non-automotive…
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Information technology — Office equipment — Guidelines for the development of an ontology (vocabular...
This document provides background information and guidelines for the development of an ontology for office equipment. An example of how such a standard can be used to automate the identification of resources for colour is provided. NOTE Often the terms vocabulary and ontology are used with the same meaning.
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