Measurement of radioactivity — Gamma emitting radionuclides — Rapid screening method using scintilla...
ISO 19581 specifies a screening test method to quantify rapidly the activity concentration of gamma-emitting radionuclides, such as 131I, 132Te, 134Cs and 137Cs, in solid or liquid test samples using gamma-ray spectrometry with lower resolution scintillation detectors as compared with the HPGe detectors (see IEC 61563).
This test method can be used for the measurement of any potentially…
Space systems — Liquid rocket engines and test stands — Terms and definitions
ISO 17540:2016 provides terms and definitions in scope of design, testing, reliability analysis and quality control of liquid rocket engines. The terms are required for use in all types of documentation and literature including in the scope of standardization or using the results of this activity.
Plastics — Strain rate dependent tensile tests for thermoplastics at ambient temperature
The proposed standard defines the general principles for determining stress-strain curves for plastics in a wide strain rate field, with a focus on data entry of material cards for finite element simulations in the event of transient loads (impact/crash). The procedure is to be used to investigate the strain rate dependent uniaxial tensile deformation behaviour of test specimens and to determine…
Fans — Laboratory methods of testing air circulating fans
This standard shall be used as the basis for testing electrically powered air circulating fan heads and ceiling fans when air is used as the test gas. The scope is limited to air circulating fans with an input power greater than or equal to 125 W—except for ceiling fans that are larger than 1800 mm, which do not have a lower input power limit. The diameter of the fan being tested shall be limited…
Glass in building — Determination of the emissivity
This document specifies a procedure for determining the emissivity at room temperature of the surfaces of glass and coated glass.
The emissivity is necessary for taking into account heat transfer by radiation from surfaces at the standard temperature of 283 K in the determination of the U value and of the total solar transmittance of glazing.
The procedure, being based on spectrophotometric…
Conformity assessment — Guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity as...
This document provides principles and guidance for developing normative documents that contain:
specified requirements for objects of conformity assessment to fulfil;
specified requirements for conformity assessment systems that can be employed when demonstrating whether an object of conformity assessment fulfils specified requirements.
This document is intended for use by standards developers…
A new International Standard in the area of concrete technology, with specific scope on use of recycled aggregates for concrete, which are produced from construction and demolition wastes including demolished concrete and demolished masonry units.
Recycled aggregates include both coarse aggregates and fine aggregates.
Composites and reinforcement fibres — Carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRPs) and metal assemblies ...
This document specifies the test method used to determine the strength of the adhesive-bonded carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) to metal assemblies under combined loading conditions. The loading fixture, a standard specimen, and procedure for combined shear and normal load tests under plane stress conditions are provided. The test method is also applicable to bonded joints between metals…
Traceability of rare earths in the supply chain from separated products to permanent magnets
The proposed standard will establish a management system for determining the origin (provenance) of materials containing rare earths and tracking them as these materials move through the supply chain between suppliers of rare earth oxides and producers of rare earth containing permanent magnets.
Aerospace — Tubing outside diameters and thicknesses — Metric dimensions
Includes the external diameters and thicknesses of tubes, for all metallic materials, to be selected for all uses in aircraft structural and system design. They shall be selected from those specified in the table. The tolerances shall be specified in the relevant standard appropriate to the material and intended application.