1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to electrically operated clothes washing and dishwashing machines including such washing machines in combination with other devices (such as combination washing and drying machines) for potentials of 600 volts or less, intended to be used in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
For convenience only, the short terms clothes…
Packaging of Furniture, Furnishings and Related Items
This standard states the minimum requirements for the packaging by suppliers of
furniture, furnishings and related items for shipment to the Canadian
Government Supply Service.
Packaging details for specific items are given in supplements to the standard.
Rotating electrical machines - Part 5: Degrees of protection by enclosures for rotating machinery
Describes definitions for standard degrees of protection provided by enclosures; protection of machines against harmful effects due to the ingress of water; designation for these protective degrees, and tests to verify that the machines meet the requirements.
This standard applies to the following types of reactors: shunt reactors, current-limiting reactors including neutral-earthing reactors, damping reactors, tuning (filter) reactors, earthing transformers (neutral couplers), arc-suppression reactors, smoothing reactors, with the exception of the following reactors: small reactors with a rating generally less than 2 kvar single-phase and 10 kvar…