Boric acid for industrial use — Determination of boric acid content — Volumetric method
The method is based on titration of a dissolved test portion with a standard volumetric solution of sodium hydroxide in the presence of mannitol or sorbitol, using phenolphthalein as indicator. Water free from carbon dioxide, shall be used in the test .
Boric oxide for industrial use — Determination of boric oxide content — Volumetric method
The method is based on titration of dissolved test portion with a standard volumetric solution of sodium hydroxide in the presence of mannitol or sorbitol, using phenolphthalein as indicator. Water, free from carbon dioxide, shall be used in the test.
Disodium tetraborates for industrial use — Determination of sodium oxide and boric oxide contents an...
The principle of the method consists in determination of the sodium oxide content by addition of an excess of a solution of hydrochloric acid and back titration with a standard volumetric solution of sodium hydroxide in presence of methyl red/bromocresol green as indicator. In the same solution, titration of the boric oxide with standard volumetric solution of sodium hydroxide in the presence of…
Hydrated sodium perborates for industrial use — Determination of sodium oxide, boric oxide and avail...
Determination of the sodium oxide content by addition of an excess of a solution of hydrochloric acid and back titration with a standard volumetric solution of sodium hydroxide in presence of methyl red/bromocresol green as indicator. Subsequent titration of the boric oxide with the standard volumetric solution of sodium hydroxide in the presence of mannitol or sorbitol, using phenolphthalein as…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard establishes a uniform relationship between shaft size and key size for parallel and taper keys.
1.2 This Standard covers the size, type and tolerances of paralle l and taper keys, and their relationship to shaft diameters and bore diameters. The size and tolerances contained in this Standard are intended for single key application only, except tangential…
Magnesium alloy sand castings — Reference test bar
The standard specifies the dimensions and method of production of reference test bars for magnesium alloy sand castings. A figure shows shape and dimensions of a mould pattern which allows the casting of a set of four reference test bars.
Aluminium alloy chill castings — Reference test bar
The standard specifies the dimensions of a mould to be used for the production of reference test bars for aluminium alloy chill castings. The mould is having the dimensions shown in millimetres (figure 1) and in inches (figure 2).
Liquefied phenol for industrial use — Determination of phenols content — Bromination method
The method is not specific for phenol. It determines tho total amount of material that can be brominated under the conditions of the test. It is applicable to mixtures of about 80 % (V/V) phenol and 20 % (V/V) water. The principle is based on reaction between phenol and bromine from a measured amound of standard bromide/bromate solution. Formation of tribromophenol, follwed by iodometric…
Hooks for lifting freight containers of up to 30 tonnes capacity — Basic requirements
Specifies requirements for point eye hooks capable of being used for lifting freight containers of up to 30 tonnes which are equipped with top corner fittings complying with ISO 1161. Any standard hook satisfying these basic requirements may be selected.