Éléments standard pour la construction des machines-outils — Supports de têtes multibroches
La présente Norme Internationale fixe certaines dimensions d'interchangeabilité des supports de têtes multibroches utilisés dans les machines spéciales construites à l'aide d'éléments standard.
Liquid chemical products — Measurement of colour in Hazen units (platinum-cobalt scale)
Applicable only to clear, slightly coloured liqids. Such colour characteristics are described as brownish-yellow. The principle is based on a visual comparison of the colour of a sample with that of colour standards. The results are expressed in terms of the platinum-cobalt scale. For routine control purposes a comparator, colorimeter or spectrophotometer may be used, if the values so obtained…
Textiles — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
The conditions of temperature and relative humidity for pre-conditioning, conditioning, and testing of textile materials of all kinds and in all forms are specified. A standard temperate atmosphere, a standard temperate atmosphere for testing, a standard tropical atmosphere, and a standard tropical atmosphere for testing are defined. (The adjectives "temperate" and "tropical"…
Copper and copper alloys — Determination of manganese — Spectrophotometric method
The method is applicable to copper and all copper alloys, bronzes, brasses, copper-nickels and copper-aluminiums having manganese contents equal to or less than 6 %, which can be attacked under the conditions given in this International Standard. ISO 2543 specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, sampling, procedure, expression of results and test report.
Defines terms relating to ropes and cordage. These terms are, in particular, for use in the drafting of other International Standards dealing with specification or testing of ropes. General terminology for the textile industry and terms defining specific ropes for the fishing industry, for agriculture, for marine use, etc. are not covered by this document. - Replaces ISO Recommendation R 1968-…
Photography — Stereo systems using 35 mm objectives on 35 mm film, five-perforation format — Specifi...
Specifies the dimensions of the picture apertures in stereo still cameras producing the 5-perforation format on standard, double-perforated 35 mm film. Also given are the dimensions of the related mounts and mounting requirements for both hand-held viewers and projection viewing conditions. Certain camera design aspects essential to satisfactory stereography are also specified.
Fire Alarm Devices, Single and Multiple Station, Mechanically-Operated Type
These requirements cover heat actuated mechanically operated single- and
multiple-station fire alarm devices intended for indoor installation in
accordance with the Standard for Household Fire Warning Systems, NFPA No. 74.
The requirements do not cover electrically operated single- or multiple-station
fire alarm devices actuated by heat, smoke, or combustion products.
Dimensioning and Tolerancing of Mechanical Engineering Drawings
This standard is complementary to CSA standard B78.1, Mechanical
Engineering Drawing Standards, Drafting Practices - General
Principles, and covers dimensioning and tolerancing of products
shown on mechanical engineering drawings.
Potassium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of carbon dioxide content — Titrimetric metho...
Applicable to products having CO2 contents of more than 0.01 % (m/m). Three cases are envisaged. The product containing neither sulphides nor chlorates or containing sulphides or chlorates. The principle in presence of neither sulphides nor chlorates consists in liberation of carbon dioxide in a flow of gas and absorption in an excess of standard volumetric barium hydroxide solution. Titration of…
Cable for Luminous Tube Signs and for Oil and Gas Burner Ignition Equipment
1.1 This Standard applies to single conductor cables intended for installation
in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, as
(a) Type GTO cables for use with gas-tube systems for signs, outline
lighting, and interior lighting, and for use also in the ignition
systems of oil- and gas-burning equipment; and…