Adipate esters for industrial use — Determination of ester content — Volumetric method
The method is applicable to simple and mixed alcohol esters that are liquid at ambient temperature. The following principle is specified: Saponification of the ester using potassium hydroxide in ethanolic solution followed by titration with standard volumetric hydrochloric acid solution in the presence of phenolphthalein as indicator. In the case of mixed alcohol esters the relative molar mass of…
Standard layout for a method of chemical analysis by gas chromatography
Gives detailed notes on the application of the layout. Deals with the titel of the publication, the scope and field of application, describes the details of the subject of the investigation. Specifies the materials, apparatus and characteristics which are to be used. Describes the details of the sample and procedure. Specifies the expression of results particularly those which are to be observed…
Ammonium sulphate for industrial use — Determination of free acidity — Titrimetric method
Applicable to products having a free acidity, expressed as H2 SO4 , equal to or more than 0.01 % (m/m). Dissolution of a test portion in Water and titration with standard volumetric sodium hydroxide solution in the presence of an indicator. The indicator must have a colour change in the pH range between 5.2 and 5.6. Has also been approved by the IUPAC.
Steel wire ropes for general purposes — Determination of actual breaking load
Describes a method of tensile test to destruction. May be used for steel wire ropes for general purposes (see ISO 2408) or other ropes, unless the standard concerned specifically excludes its use, or gives another method. Specifies test piece including test length, testing and test report.
Oil of Australian Eucalyptus, 80 to 85 % cineole content
The Standard specifies the following characteristics of the oil. Appearance: Clear, mobile liquid. Colour: Colourless to pale yellow. Odour: Characteristic of the odour of 1,8-cineole. Relative density at 20/20 °C: 0,918 - 0,928. Refractive index at 20 °C: 1,4580 - 1,4650. Optical rotation at 20 °C: Range from - 2 to + 2 . Solubility in 70 % (V/V) ethanol at 20 °C: 1 volume in 3 volumes. Cineole…
The Standard specifies the following characteristics of the oil. Appearance: Clear, mobile liquid. Colour: Dark brown. Odour: Resembling eugenol. Relative density at 20/20 °C: 0,943 - 0,984. Refractive index at 20 °C: 1,5050 - 1,5170. Phenols content: Minimum 50 % (V/V).
Aircraft — Fire-resisting electrical cables — Methods of test
Specifies the tests suitable for establishing the compliance of cables with the performance requirements stated in ISO 2155. Is intended to serve as a basis for test specifications to be included in the relevant national standards when the Official Board of Inspection considers that existing tests are inadequate. The tests are classified in type tests only, type tests and routine productions…
Brown coals and lignites — Classification by types on the basis of total moisture content and tar yi...
Brown coals are classified in this International Standard according to the following properties: total moisture content calculated on the ash-free basis; tar hiels calculated on the dry, ash-free basis. In tables class numbers, group number and code numbers of brown coal types are given.
1.1 This Standard covers recommended sizes and other dimensional data for
various kinds of wire nails, spikes and staples commonly used in the building
and packaging trades, and general statements on material finishes and coatings.