Phthalate esters for industrial use — Methods of test — Part 5: Determination of ester content — Tit...
The principle consists in the saponification of ester in a test portion, using a measured excess of potassium hydroxide ethanolic solution, followed by back-titration with standard volumetric hydrochloric acid solution in the presence of phenolphthalein as indicator. - ISO 1385, Part 1 to Part 5 replace ISO Recommendation R 1385-1970
Sweat Suits, Knitted, One-Piece, Fleece-Lined, Children's and Boy's
This standard applies to the dimensions considered essential to provide fit of
one-piece sweat suits, jogging suits and track suits (with or without hoods)
intended for wear by children and boys.
Electromechanical components for electronic equipment; basic testing procedures and measuring method...
The tests contained in this standard, when required by the detail specification, shall be used for electromechanical components having an inherent connecting or switching function intended for use in equipment for telecommunication and in electronic devices employing similar techniques.
Medical electrical equipment. Part 1: General requirements.
This is the major revised and updated baseline of standards for the safety of all medical electrical equipment used by or under the supervision of qualified personnel in the general medical and patient environment. lt also contains certain requirements for reliable operation to ensure safety. Note the change of title from the first (1977) edition. (For particular requirements see series 601-2…
Internal fuses and internal overpressure disconnectors for shunt capacitors
Uniform requirements regarding performance testing, guide for co-ordination of fuse and disconnector protection and test procedures for the disconnecting test on internal fuses.
Note:- This standard applies to internal fuses to protect shunt capacitors and to internal overpressure disconnectors used to protect self-healing metallized dielectric capacitors.
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 11: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor...
This standard concerns r.f. coaxial connectors for use with r.f. cables, both flexible and semi-rigid, with air dielectric interface and high mechanical stability to withstand severe environmental exposure. The connectors provide low reflection in the microwave region up to 14 GHz and they are watertight and air-tight against a pressure difference of 3 bar.
Shipbuilding — Inland navigation — Fire-fighting water system — Pressures
Pressures are intended for standardization and selection of equipment, machinery and pipeline components for water systems for firefighting, viz. pumps, fittings, etc.