Code of Practice for Safety in Demolition of Structures
1. Scope
1.1 General
1.1.1 This Standard outlines the safety precautions to be observed and procedures to be used before, during, and after demolition operations to provide for the safety of the public, workers, and property.
1.1.2 Demolition procedures for both systematic and rapid progressive failure methods are described. Particular emphasis is given to areas of known concern…
Central Forced Air Unitary Heat Pumps With or Without Electrical Resistance
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to stationary, central, forced air unitary heat
pumps* rated at 600 V or less, single or polyphase, with or without electric
resistance heating, designed to be used in accordance with the Rules of the
Canadian Electrical Code, Part I. For purposes of this Standard a heat pump is
considered to be an electrically driven device.
* Fore convenience, the…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to add-on heat pumps for comfort heating or heating
and cooling not exceeding 20 kW in the cooling mode and rated at 600 V or less,
single or polyphase, intended to utilize the fan assemblies and duct work of
the existing installed furnaces to form the complete functional systems where
the existing parts are not covered by this Standard.
Note: For…
Portable Containers for Gasoline and other Petroleum Fuels
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to portable containers of up to and including 5
gallons (25 L) nominal capacity, made from metal or plastic and intended for
the storage and transportation of petroleum fuels, but excludes containers
which are integral with or attached to any object, single-trip containers in
which fuel is prepackaged, and those within the scope of CSA Standard Z102.15…
Specifies the regulations for standard designations by means of ropes. Includes designation of ropes, and of characteristics, the symbols used, as well as examples for the designation of steel wire ropes in text and figure.
Performance standards in building — Contents and presentation
Specifies the basic contents to be included in performance standards for building components and assemblies, and indicates a standard order for their inclusion. Is intended primarily for use by standards committees preparing performance standards for building components and assemblies. Should also be useful for the preparation of other types of documents.
Cinematography — Recording head gaps for two sound records on 16 mm magnetic film — Positions and wi...
This International Standard specifies the lateral positions and width dimensions of the recording heads for two magnetic Sound records and a control track on 16 mm Single perforated magnetic recording film. lt also specifies the reproducing velocity of the film travel.
Consumer Informative Labelling of Upholstery Fabrics for Furniture
Provides for the informative labelling of woven and knitted
upholstery fabrics, and to a certain extent other upholstery
materials, as used in the manufacture of new indoor furniture. It
specifies the information to be placed on the label and the
requirements and test procedures supporting this information.
This standard is not applicable to fabrics used in porch, deck or
lawn furniture;…