The Standard specifies the following characteristics of the oil. Appearance: Clear, mobile liquid. Colour: Almost colourless to bluish-green. Odour: Characteristic, recalling that of whole pepper. Relative density at 20/20 °C: 0,870 - 0,890. Refractive index at 20 °C: 1,4800 - 1,4920. Optical rotation at 20 °C: Range from - 16 to + 4 . Miscibility with 95 % (V/V) ethanol at 20 °C: 1 : 3. Ester…
Water Pressure Reducing Valves for Domestic Water Supply Systems
1. Application and Scope
1.1 Application
This Standard applies to devices that automatically reduce the initial supply
pressure to a set lower pressure in domestic water systems. It applies to
devices in the size range 1/2 - 2 inches inclusive that are of the direct
acting diaphragm type with a means for adjusting the pressure setting, and are
suitable for use over a hydrostatic inlet…
Certification of Non Destructive Testing Personnel (Magnetic Particle
1. Scope
1.1 This standard provides recommended course guidelines for the minimum
essential training of, and a procedure for the certification of three
levels of personnel to perform magnetic particle testing according to
generally accepted and recognized procedures and techniques.
1.2 Such certification shall provide recognition of the qualifications and…
Provides guidelines to enable an organization to demonstrate that
it has a credible micrographics program that includes the
safeguards which will assist in proving, when required, that the
microfilmed image is a true reproduction of an original made
under controlled conditions. The practices outlined in this
document describe what is required in the operation of the
microfilm program. The…
Defines, in both English and French, terminology pertaining to
dental science, dental materials, dental equipment and the
practice of dentistry. Establishes translations of terms between
the two official languages. It is anticipated that additions to
the contents of the standard will be made annually.
Adopts ANSI standard X3.53-1976 and French standard NF Z 65-500 as PL/1 programming language standard for the English and French versions, respectively.
Vegetable products — Determination of chloride content
The method consists in precipitating chloride by addition of an excess of a standard volumetric silver nitrate solution and titrating this excess with a standard volumetric potassium thiocyanate solution. If the product contains natural anthocyanin pigments, the method is applicable with specified modifications.
Cryolite, natural and artificial, and aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of sulph...
Covers a method, the orinciple of which consists in preparing tablets from a mixture of the test portion and a binder and measuring the intensity of the K line emitted by the sulphur. The measured intensity is then compared with the intensity of emission of standard tablets of known sulphur content. The method is applicable to products having sulphur contents between 0,01 and 2 % (m/m).
Adopts ANSI standard X3.53-1976 and French standard NF Z 65-500 as PL/1 programming language standard for the English and French versions, respectively.