Portable, Pressurized-Type, Liquid Petroleum Fuelled Lamps and Lanterns
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to portable, pressurized-type, liquid petroleum fuelled lamps and lanterns with one or more burners.
Note: The term device as used in this Standard refers to both lamps and lanterns, as defined in Clause 2.1. The term lamp or lantern is used where specific reference is intended.
1.2 This Standard applies to devices intended for use outdoors or…
Propane Fired Cooking Appliances for Recreational Vehicles
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced propane-fired cooking appliances constructed entirely of new unused parts and materials, intended primarily for use in recreational vehicles.
1.1.2 This standard applies to appliances designed to be recessed into or attached to counter or cabinets.
1.1.3 This standard applies to appliances classified as:
(a) Surface…
Provides information concerning the principle of operation, performance and selection criteria for echo sounders used in depth measurements for open channel flow (and related) measurements. The use of standard terminology is promoted. Information on the characteristics of sound in water is provided in annex.
This standard applies to the preparation and painting of unpainted or previously
painted interior dry plaster, plasterboard and wallboard surfaces.
See appendix A for supplementary information on related items generally
considered the responsibility of the painting contractor.
This standard applies to flat, translucent, rolled or cast glass having a
pattern or figure on one or both surfaces, and used primarily in buildings for
doors, windows, interior and exterior walls and for decorative purposes.
Application of Sheet Applied Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride Roofing Membrane
1.1 This standard describes the recommended procedures to be employed in applying 37-GP-54M flexible polyvinyl chloride membrane for roofing on new construction and for reroofing.
1.2 Three methods of membrane installation are covered by this standard, namely, loose laid, fully adhered and mechanically fixed.
1.3 Wind uplift requirements must be established inthe job…
Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel (Liquid Penetrant Method)
1. Scope
1.1 This standard provides recommended course guidelines for the minimum
essential training of, and a procedure for the certification of three
levels of personnel to perform liquid penetrant testing according to
generally accepted and recognized procedures and techniques.
1.2 Such certification shall provide recognition of the qualifications and…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard provides requirements for the designs, manufacture and
quality control of concrete poles for such uses as transmission, traction and
distribution line supports, telegraph and telephone line and telecommunication
cable supports and flood and street lighting poles.
1.2 The requirements of this Standard may be applied to both spun and cast
poles and to both…
Automatic Flue-Pipe Dampers for Use with Oil-Fired Appliances
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to the construction and performance of automatically operated damper devices (herein referred to as devices) intended for installation in flue pipes serving automatically operated oil-fired appliances. Note: Also included are two Appendices concerned with the retrofitting of these devices to existing appliance installations.
1.2 This Standard…
Compressors, pneumatic tools and machines — Preferred pressures
Lays down a series of preferred pressures to be used as reference pressure when presenting performance data for pneumatic equipment. Components for compressed air systems should also be designet to meet the standardized pressures. The stated pressure are effective (gauge) pressures, given in bars.