Fasteners — Hexagon products — Widths across flats
Specifies the widths to be used in the respective product standards; it sets out a logical ratio between underhead (or nut) bearing area and the tensile stress area of the screw thread.
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment. Part 1: Generic specification
Applicable to fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment.
Establishes standard terms, inspection procedures and methods of
test for use in sectional and detail specifications for
qualification approval and for quality assessment systems.
Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
Applies to fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment. Establishes standard terms, inspection procedures and methods of test for use in specifications for qualification approval and for quality assessment systems for electronic components.
Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient thermistors. Part 1: Generic specific...
Applies to directly heated positive temperature coefficient
thermistors, insulated or non-insulated, having a resistance
temperature characteristic which approximates to a step-function.
Typically they are made of ferro-electric semi-conductive materials.
Specifies the conditions for approval, acceptance and continuous
quality control. Defines the terminology for the thermistors covered
by this…
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools. Part 2: Particular requirements for concrete vibr...
Applies to concrete vibrators, the active part (vibrator bottle) of which is intended to be immersed into the mass of concrete to be vibrated. Stationary concrete vibrators intended to vibrate concrete moulds, for example for prefabricated concrete elements, are not within the scope of this standard.
Measuring methods for properties of gyromagnetic materials intended for application at microwave fre...
Describes methods of measuring the specified properties of materials generally referred to as ferrites for application at microwave frequencies and is a guide for the drafting of specifications for general use in ferrite technology. This standard should be read in conjunction with IEC 60392.
Multichannel amplitude analyzers: Standards for time-to-amplitude converters
Presents terms and definitions relating to the main characteristics of time-to-amplitude converters (TAC). Test methods for the major parameters are also stated. Applies to TAC used in conjunction with multichannel amplitude analyzers (MCA), in the measurement of time intervals. A common application of this technique is in time-of-flight measurement, coincidence measurements, pulse shape…