Aerials for the reception of sound and television broadcasting in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GH...
Applies to linearly polarized receiving aerials for domestic use in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz. Ensures uniformity in the presentation of aerial performance specifications and provides a standard format for individual aerial specification sheets. This publication supersedes IEC 60138 (1962).
Equipment for continuously monitoring radioactivity in gaseous effluents. Part 2: Specific requireme...
Gives specific standard requirements, technical characteristics, general test conditions and examples of acceptable methods for aerosol effluent monitors designed to measure the concentration of radioactivity emitted in gaseous effluents in the form of aerosols and its variations as a function of time and to actuate an alarm signal when a predetermined concentration is exceeded.
Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services. Part 1: General definitions ...
Applies to radio transmitting and receiving equipment and systems used in the mobile services. Is restricted to land and mobile stations in the mobile services and to portable and personal equipment which may operate in one or more radio-frequency channels in the frequency range below 1 000 MHz. Applies to detailed methods of making measurements selected and recommended for assessing the…
Applies to CAMAC systems as defined in IEC 60516. The generic standard for BASIC includes a real-time enhancement which is necessarily general. This standard defines specific syntax and semantics for use with CAMAC.
Safety logic assemblies of nuclear power plants - Characteristics and test methods
Includes principles of design, construction and testing of safety logic assemblies used in protection systems. Gives recommendations for the implementation of the general principles of nuclear reactor instrumentation in IEC 60231A. It includes provisions for acceptance and in-service testing reliability criteria and protection from external influences. Safety logic functions performed within the…
Abbreviations for Scientific and Engineering Terms
1. Scope
This Standard establishes abbreviations for words and word combinations for use
on drawings and in engineering and scientific writing. The purpose is not to
promote the use of abbreviations but to establish standard abbreviations to be
used when abbreviations are necessary. This Standard also includes commonly
used SI units. (See the Bibliography for a list of related standards…
Formsets for Use with Embossed Cards and Imprinting Equipment
1. Scope
1.1 The purpose of this Standard is to define common media for the transferring of information from sources, including the embossed characters on a card, by means of imprinting equipment.
1.2 The existence of two standards in relation to formset dimensions is recognized as are the several different methods of capturing the information contained on completed formsets.
Covers materials, manufacturing and class dimensional
requirements for seasoned wood poles and reinforcing stubs which
are primarily intended for the support of either electrical power
or communication lines. It is intended that this new metric
edition will co-exist with the Imperial Standards 015.1, 015.2,
015.3 and 015.4
Terminology for tools and equipment to be used in live working
Applies to terminology for tools and equipment used in live working. This standard is not intended to be a dictionary giving detailed definitions of all the terms used in live working, but only the necessary details, without indications of their components and their methods of use, to permit identification of the tools and equipment and to standardize their names.