Cinematography — Projector usage of 8 mm Type S motion-picture film for direct front projection
This International Standard specifies the emulsion orientation, the rate of projection and the Position of the image area for 8 mm Type S motion-picture film as used for direct front projection.
Acetone for industrial use — Methods of test — Part 4: Determination of permanganate time
The principle of the procedure consists in addition to a test portion, under specified conditions, of potassium permanganate solution. Determination of the time taken for the colour of this test solution to match that of a cobalt(II) chloride and uranyl nitrate colour standard. This document should be read in conjenction with ISO 757/1.
Building construction — Modular coordination — Multimodules for horizontal coordinating dimensions
Establishes the values of multimodules for horizontal coordinating dimensions for use in modular coordination of buildings. Applies to the design and construction of buildings of all types in accordance with the principles and rules of modular coordination laid down in ISO 2848. The international standardized values of multimodules for horizontal coordinating dimensions are 3 M, 6 M, 12 M, 30 M…
Industrial plate screens — Codification for designating perforations
The perforation of a plate is designated by 1: shape of the holes, 2. aperture size, 3. mutual arrangement of holes, 4. pitch, 5. orientation of the arrangement of the perforations relative to the edges of the plate. The code expresses the items of designation by symbols and magnitudes in the sequence above. The standard applies to perforated plates regardless of the plate material.
Fertilizers — Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content in the presence of other substances which...
The method consists in entraining, by means of a strong current of air, of the ammonia from a moderately alkaline test mixture at ambient temperature into standard volumetric sulfuric acid solution, and back-titrating of the excess sulfuric acid solution with standard volumetric sodium hydroxide solution.
Plain bearings — Ring type thrust washers made from strip — Dimensions and tolerances
Specifies a range of thrust washers for general purpose use with wrapped bushes. Applies to thrust washers having inside diameters from 6 to 80 mm. It ist not expected that all the sizes listed will be available from stock but adoption of standard sizes should lead to economies in tooling costs.
Paints, varnishes, petroleum and related products — Determination of flashpoint — Closed cup equilib...
Specifies a method for determining the flashpoint of a coating material. binder, solvent, petroleum or a related product; makes allowance for deviations from standard atmospheric pressure. The method is suitable for use over the temperature range 5 to 110o C. In some countries, existing regulations may require the use of other methods over at least a part of the temperature range. Nevertheless…