Methods of evaluating the performance of transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems
Applies to transmitters which have either a standard electric current output signal or a standard pneumatic output signal in accordance with IEC 60381-1 or IEC 60382. The tests may be applied to transmitters which have other output signals, provided that allowance is made for such differences. Transmitters for the measurement of electrochemical properties, such as pH transmitters, are not covered…
Contains more than 400 terms and definitions as used or to be used in safety and performance standards dealing with electrical equipment in medical practice.
Specification for ceramic and glass insulating materials. Part 3: Individual materials
This standard is applicable to ceramic, glass, and glass-ceramic materials to be used for electrical insulation purposes. It provides a classification of materials.
Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment. Part 1: General requirements.
The mainstay of safety standards in all the rapidly evolving technology of electromedical equipment, the second (1988) edition of IEC 601-1 called for updating through this first Amendment.
Periodic Inspection of CANDU Nuclear Power Plant Components
1. Scope
This Standard defines the rules and requirements for periodic inspection of
pressure-contaning components and their supports that form part of a nuclear
power plant.
This Standard covers failure aspects, classification of areas subject to
inspection, responsibilities, provision for access, inspection techniques and
provision for access, inspection techniques and…
This PDF includes Errata #1-#5.
Part 1 - Design in Aluminum
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 Part 1 of this Standard provides design requirements for all components made from wrought aluminum that are required to carry load.
1.1.2 In Part 1 it is presupposed that the loads, load factors, and limit states have been established separately, and Part 1 therefore covers only the proportioning of…
Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures
This Standard stipulates the minimum requirements that must be met and adhered
to by a company wishing to be certified and to maintain certification for
fusion welding of steel structures, performed as part of the fabrication,
fabrication and erection, or erection thereof.
Note: In the case of a company having more than one plant, branch, or
division, each plant shall be certified and…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to single conductor thermoplastic insulated wires and cables of the sizes specified in Clause 4.1.4 that are intended for installation in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, on systems having nominal voltages of 600 V and less.
1. Scope
1.1 This standard describes the formats, rules, and procedures for the encoding of alphanumeric text and pictorial information for videotex and teletext¹ applications. (¹The term teletext (not yet adopted by CCIR) is commonly used to refer to a broadcast television videotex service. It is different from teletex, a term officially adopted by CCITT to define a specific type of…