1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to line isolation monitors designed to be installed and used as an ancillary part of a single-phase isolated (ungrounded) power distribution system not exceeding 300 V in accordance with the rules of the CE Code, Part I, including any rules that are applicable particularly to anaesthe tizing locations and other patient care areas in hospitals and other…
Dispensing Devices for Propane Fuel for Highway Vehicles
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This Standard applies to the mechanical and electrical features of newly manufactured dispensing devices for propane liq uid for use as fuel in internal combustion engines where such devices are intended primarily to dispense the liquid directly into the fuel storage tank of the vehicle.
1.1.2 This standard contains SI (Metric) equivalents to the yard/pound quantities…
Motor Vehicles for the Transportation of Physically Disabled Persons
Applies to motor vehicles other than passenger cars (as defined
in Section 2 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations), designed
and manufactured, or converted, for the purpose of transporting
physically disabled persons. This standard specifies the design
and manufacture of the basic vehicle, lifts and ramps, methods of
securing wheelchairs and other aids, the methods of restraining…
Standard for Internal Lug Quick-Connect Couplings for Fire Hose
1.1 This Standard contains requirements for non-threaded, quick-connect
couplings of the internal lug design for use in fire protection service.
(See Appendix A.)
1.2 The couplings are intended for use with fire hose in the following
standard sizes: 38 mm, 65 mm, 100 mm, 125 mm and 150 mm.
1.3 This Standard also contains requirements for the non-threaded,
quick-connect portion of…
Space Heaters for Use With Solid Fuels (ULC Standard S627M-1983)
1. Scope
This Standard applies to hand-fuelled, solid-fuel fired space heaters of the
radiant, convection or forced-circulating type, intended for residential
This Standard applies to
(a) space heaters having provision for venting directly to the outdoords;
(b) outdoor-aired space heaters intended fro installation in mobile homes; and
(c) space heaters utilizing…
Application of Unfilled Cutback Asphalt for Dampproofing
This standard describes the procedure recommanded for application of unfilled cutback asphalt, covered by 37-GP-6Ma, in dampproofing masonry and concrete foundation walls below grade, and in dampproofing concrete floors. This type of coating is usually applied on the earth face of the wall. It may be used in the interior surface of water tanks.
This standard describes the procedure recommended for application of asphalt lap cement covered by 37-GP-4Ma for cementing asphalt roll roofings, smooth or mineral-surfaced with selvage.
Copper and copper alloys — Determination of antimony content — Rhodamine B spectrometric method
The method is applicable to antimony contents between 0.001 and 0.1 % (m/m) in all types of copper and copper alloys listed in International Standards. The range of application may be extended by appropriate modification of the mass of the test portion, the extraction volume and the cell path length. Specific proposals to cover lower and higher concentrations are in preparation. ISO 5956…
Copper and copper alloys — Determination of bismuth content — Diethyldithiocarbamate spectrometric m...
The method is applicable to bismuth contents between 0,00005 and 0,02 % (m/m) in all types of copper and copper alloys listed in International Standards. Specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, procedure, expression of results and test report.
Copper alloys — Determination of iron content — Na2EDTA titrimetric method
The method is applicable to contents of iron in all types of copper alloys listed in International Standards. ISO 4748 specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, procedure, expression of results and test report.