Attachment Plugs, Receptacles, and Similar Wiring Devices for Use in Hazardous Locations: Class 1, ...
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers the following devices intended for connection to copper conductors only and for installation and use in hazardous locations: Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D; Class II, Group G, in coal or coke dust, and in gaseous mines for installation and use in accordance with the Rules of Canadian Electrical Code, Part I and CSA Standard CAN3-M421:
(a) receptacles…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard provides rules and requirements for the design, fabrication, erection, inspection, testing, maintenance, and use of scaffolding equipment, materials, and components where scaffolds are erected to provide working platforms for workers and materials during the construction, alteration, repair , or demolition of buildings and other structures.
1.2 This Standard…
1. SCOPe
1.1 Part A of these requirements covers factory-built fireplaces capable of
utilizing solid fuels commonly used in fireplaces and intended for provision of
supplementary heating in buildings. These fireplaces are only intended for use
with specified factory-built chimneys and associated parts.
NOTE: These fireplaces are not for use with masonry chimneys.
1.2 Part B of these…
This Guide establishes basic safety principles for technical bodies preparing national and international standards for products which are intended specifically for use by children; these principles should also apply to products with which children are likely to come into contact. The following aspects are considered: ergonomic considerations, toxicity, flammability and thermal injuries, ingestion…
This Guide establishes basic safety principles for technical bodies preparing national and international standards for products which are intended specifically for use by children; these principles should also apply to products with which children are likely to come into contact. The following aspects are considered: ergonomic considerations, toxicity, flammability and thermal injuries, ingestion…
Non-incendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class 1, Division 2 Hazardous Locations
1. Scope
This Standard applies to process measurement and control equipment that has
been designed and assessed for use either in, or in conjunction with, Class I,
Division 2 hazardous locations as defined in the Canadian Electrical Code, Part
I. The principles may also be applied to other similar types of equipment.
This Standard also covers portable battery-powered equipment.
Standard for Visual Signal Appliances for Fire Alarm Systems
1.1 This Standard covers requirements for direct viewing and indirect viewing visual signal appliances for use in accordance with the Standard for the Installation of Fire alarm Systems, CAN/ULC-S524M, and in accordance with the
Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
1.2 These requirements cover visual signal appliances for use in ordinary (non-hazardous) indoor locations and outdoor…
This Standard applies to motor operated food processing appliances* intended
for use on nominal system voltages of 600 V and less, except that where
appliances are driven by universal type motors or electromagnetic mechanisms,
the Scope is limited to appliances rated for use on nominal system voltages of
240 V or less. This Standard applies to appliances designed to be used in
Methods for the determination of the lightning breakdown voltage of insulating liquids
Describes two test methods, A and B, for assessing the electric strength of insulating liquids in a divergent field when subjected to standard lightning impulses. Method A is based on a step procedure intended to provide an estimate of impulse breakdown voltage under specific conditions. Method B is a statistical test designed to check a hypothesis about the impulse breakdown probability of an…
Standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise
Describes the standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise which is to be used when testing tungsten filament or discharge lamps for compliance with the limits.
Covers the method of test and the specifications for test lampholders for lamps fitted with various sizes of ES and BC caps. This method has been used widely for incandescent lamps but its application is not limited to that…