Specification of minimum requirements for the installation, construction, function, documentation and testing of these systems to ensure patient safety. The requirements are included which relate to the source of supply, distribution system, terminal units, warning systems and non- interchangeability between key components and service outlets. The standard applies only for the medical gases…
Quality Management and Quality System Elements - Guidelines (Adoption of ISo
Standard 9004:1987)
This National Standard of Canada is identical in content and in
layout with International Standard ISO 9004:1987, Quality
Management and Quality System Elements - Guidelines. It
describes a basic set of elements by which quality management
systems can be developed and implemented.
Covers requirements for fire alarm signalling system control
units and control unit accessories for use in accordance with the
Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems,
CAN/ULC-S524M, and in accordance with Rule 32-004(1) of the
Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of 1-monoglycerides and free glycerol contents
The method consists in dissolving of a test portion in chloroform, extracting of free glycerol from this sulution with acetic acid solution, oxidizing of 1-monoglycerides in the chloroform solution by an excess of periodic acid solution, adding of potassium iodide and titration of the liberated iodine with a sodium thiosulfate standard volumetric solution. Oxidation of free glycerol in the…
Characteristics and calibration of hydrophones for operation in the frequency range 0.5 MHz to 15 MH...
Relates to hydrophones, employing piezoelectric sensor elements, designed to measure the pulsed and continuous-wave ultrasonic fields generated by ultrasonic medical equipment operating in the frequency range 0.5 MHz to 15 MHz. Covers the design and performance requirements of standard hydrophones and the data required to specify their characteristics, and defines a standard method for the…
The projectors described here are the types most commonly used for educational and training purposes. Specialized projection equipment is not dealt with. This part of the standard covers the dimensions of projection stages and location pins to ensure compatibility between the projectors and transparencies.
Floor tiles of agglomerated cork — Characteristics, sampling and packing
This standard applies to tiles without surface covering. Gives the maximum permissible deviations in characteristics measured and determined in accordance with ISO 3810. Clauses 4 and 5 of the first edition have been technically revised.
Standard Method of Test for Fire and Smoke Characteristics of Electrical
Wiring and Cables
1. Scope
1.1 This test method is for use in determining values of flame propagation distance and smoke optical density for electrical and optical-fibre cables that are to be installed in ducts, plenums, and other spaces used for environmental air without the cables being enclosed in raceways in those spaces. This method also determines values of flame propagation distance and smoke optical…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to fixed equipment or accessories, or both, that utilizes signals to measure or control directly or indirectly an industrial process through a final control device (or devices) and is intended to be connected to supply circuits with voltages of 750 V and less, for use indoors or outdoors in nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Canadian Electrical…
Design and Construction of Masonry Chimneys and Fireplaces
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard sets forth the minimum design and construction requirements for:
(a) chimneys of masonry or concrete not exceeding 12 m in height that serve fireplaces, or that serve appliances with a combined rated heat output not exceeding 120 kW;
(b) residential fireplaces of masonry or concrete. Guidelines for inspection, maintenance, repair, and retrofit are included…