Aerospace — Self-locking nuts with maximum operating temperature greater than 425 degrees C — Procur...
Defines the requirements for metric nuts, with MJ thread. Applies to these nuts, provided that reference is made to this International Standard in the relevant definition document. Includes definitions, describes certification and quality assurance, technical requirements and test methods, qualification and acceptance tests, loads and torques to be applied, classification of visual and…
Corrigendum 1 - Power convertors for electric traction - Part 4: Direct d.c. convertors (d.c. choppe...
Applicable to direct d.c. semiconductor power convertors intended for service on rolling stock supplied with d.c. current. This standard has been drawn up for convertors supplying vehicle traction circuits, but it can be applied, in principle, to convertors for the supply to auxiliary services on these vehicles.
Electrode Receptacles, Fittings, and Connectors for Gas Tubes
1. Scope
This Standard applies to (a) electrode receptacles and fittings for mounting gas tubes intended for indoor and outdoor applications operating at voltages of 15 000 V and less but not exceeding 7 500 V to ground for use in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I; (b) connectors that are intended to enclose the ends of gas tube electrodes and to provide a…
Sols - Essai de pénétration standard (SPT) et échantillonnage au carottier
La présente norme décrit l'appareillage et le mode opératoire pour la
réalisation de l'essai de pénétration standard qui permet d'obtenir l'indice de
pénétration N et de prélever un échantillon remanié du sol.
L'essai de pénétration standard est utilisé lors de reconnaissances
géotechniques pour des fins de détermination de la…
The Standard specifies the following characteristics of the oil. Appearance: Mobile liquid. Colour: Almost colourless to amber-yellow. Odour: Characteristic, aromatic. Taste: Reminiscent of anise, aromatic. Relative density at 20/20 °C: 0,901 - 0,920. Refractive index at 20 °C: 1,4840 - 1,4890. Optical rotation at 20 °C: Between + 67 and + 80 . Miscibility with 80 % (V/V) ethanol at 20 °C: 1 : 8…
Road vehicles — Fuel injection pump testing — Part 3: Application and test procedures
This part is a document for use in the workshop. It forms the complement to the injection pump test schedules and coordinates the detailed technical requirements of parts 1 and 2 and further referenced standards with the procedural instructions necessary to apply and validate this standard as a whole.
Oil of lime, Mexico (Citrus aurantiifolia (Christmann) Swingle) obtained by mechanical means
In the Standard two types of oil are distinguished. Typ A is obtained by centrifuging the emulsion of juice and oil obtained by crushing the whole fruits. Typ B is produced by centrifuging the emulsion of water and oil obtained by grating the fruits under water spraying. In a table the requirements for the characteristics of the two types of the oil are listed.
Oil of bitter orange petitgrain (Citrus aurantium Linnaeus ssp. aurantium)
The Standard specifies the following characteristics of the oil. Appearance: Clear liquid. Colour: Pale yellow to amber-yellow.with a slight blue fluorescence. Odour: Characteristic, ethereal and pleasant. Relative density at 20/20 °C: 0,888 - 0,898. Refractive index at 20 °C: 1,4560 - 1,4720. Optical rotation at 20 °C: - 6 and + 1 . Miscibility with 70 % (V/V) ethanol at 20 °C: 1 : 1,5. Acid…