This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (1976). Specifies the width of belts and corresponding tolerances, and also tolerances (the lengths of conveyor belts are not standardized). Tabulates the nominal widths from 300 mm up to and including 3200 mm.
Expression of the performance of electrical and electronic measuring equipment
Applies to the specification of the performance of electrical and electronic equipment and instruments and the accessories used with them which measure electrical quantities (indicating and recording instruments), or supply measured electrical quantities (supply instruments), such as signal generators and some power supplies, or measure non-electrical quantities using electrical means, excluding…
Centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps — Code for hydraulic performance tests — Precision grade
Forms the first of a set dealing with tests of pumps and specifies precision class tests (former class A). Engineering class I and class II tests (former classes B and C) will be the subject of a further standard. Defines the terms and quantities that are used and specifies general requirements for tests. Does not specify constructional tolerances.
Lays down the general performance requirements and standardization principles. Is intended to cover types designed to use crimped, soldered and welded contacts accommodating aircraft cables. Does not define a particular type dimensionally. Outlines the basic design, mechanical and electrical requirements and basic environmental conditions of operation.
Information processing - Data interchange on 90 mm (3.5 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified ...
Specifies the track layout, the track format and the characteristics of recorded signals. Provides for full data interchange between data processing systems together with the ISO standards 8860-1 and ISO 9293. Valid in conjunction with ISO standards 646, 2022, 4873, 8860-1 and 9293.
Information processing - Data interchange on 90 mm (3.5 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified ...
Provides the dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics of the cartridge so as to provide physical interchangeability between data processing systems. Provides for full data interchangeability between data processing systems in conjunction with the ISO standards 8860-2 and 9293, and applies, moreover, in conjunction with ISO 683-13.
Information processing — Data interchange on 90 mm (3.5 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified ...
Provides the dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics of the cartridge so as to provide physical interchangeability between data processing systems. Provides for full data interchangeability between data processing systems in conjunction with the ISO standards 8860-2 and 9293, and applies, moreover, in conjunction with ISO 683-13.
Information processing — Data interchange on 90 mm (3.5 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified ...
Specifies the track layout, the track format and the characteristics of recorded signals. Provides for full data interchange between data processing systems together with the ISO standards 8860-1 and ISO 9293. Valid in conjunction with ISO standards 646, 2022, 4873, 8860-1 and 9293.
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — Conical connectors — Part 2: Screw-threaded weight-bearing c...
This standard specifies and illustrates the basic requirements for screw-threaded weight-bearing connectors intended for use with anaesthesia apparatus and ventilators. Such connectors are intended for mounting heavy accessories. Definitions have been taken from ISO 4135.
Cinematography — B-chain electro-acoustic response of motion-picture control rooms and indoor theatr...
Specified are characteristics of the B-chain response of motion-picture studio dubbing theatres, review rooms and indoor theatres. They are intended to assist in the standardization of recording monitor and reproduction characteristics of the motion-picture sound in rooms with volumes of at least 150 m3. Not included are conditions where the recorded sound is intended for reproduction in domestic…