1. Scope
This Standard applies to insulated conductors intended for internal wiring in
electrical equipment, but not as circuit conductors for use in raceways except
where permitted by the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
Constructions covered by this Standard are
(a) single-conductor, thermoplastic-insulated (Clause 5):
(i) Type TXF, 60
Asbestos-cement sheets - Control and testing methods
This standard covers the inspection and test methods for the verification of
dimensional, mechanical and physical properties of flat, corrugated, grooved or
fluted asbestos-cement sheets, as well as those of shingles, bulkheading,
molded roofing sheets and pavements tiles.
This standard includes the following control and testing methods :
a) control of geometric…
Aerospace — "P" clamps (loop clamps) for fluid systems — Envelope dimensions
Specifies maximum and minimum dimensions for these clamps installed by means of a bolt with a nominal diameter of 5 mm. The specified dimensions define a dimensional envelope. Shall not be considered as an interchangeability standard. The tolerances for each type of clamp are to be defined in the parts standards drawings.
Aéronautique et espace — Colliers en P pour systèmes de fluides — Dimensions d'encombrement
La présente Norme internationale fixe les cotes maximales et minimales des colliers en P fixés à l'aide d'une vis de diamètre nominal 5 mm. Les dimensions fixées définissent une enveloppe dimensionnelle. La présente Norme internationale ne doit pas être considérée comme une norme d'interchangeabilité. Les tolérances pour chaque type de collier sont à définir dans les dessins de…
Pyrometric reference cones for laboratory use — Specification
Specifies the characteristics of a standard series of pyrometric reference cones, which are used for determining the pyrometric cone equivalent (refractoriness) of refractory materials, over the temperature range 1500 to 1800 C. The cones specified in this International Standard are suitable for use in the procedure described in ISO 528, excluding determinations at 1500 and 1800 C.
Soils - Determination of Permeability at the End of a Casing
Describes the method used to determine the coefficient of permeability of a
soil at the end of a casing.
The test consists in injecting water using gravity, into a soil through the
lower opening of a drilling casing. This opening is located below the local
piezometric level. Two test methods are described in the standard:
a) the constant head method;
b) the variable falling head…
Soils - Determination of Permeability by the Lefranc Method
1.1 Describes the method used to determine the coefficient of permeability of
a soil around a cavity opened under the end of a casing.
1.2 The test consists in causing gravity flow in the soil from a cavity of a
given shape, known as the lantern, filled with a permeable material. The test
must be carried out when the cavity is located below the local piezometric
1.3 Three…
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 1: General rules.
Applies, when required by the relevant product standard, to switchgear and controlgear hereinafter referred to as 'equipment' and intended to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.
It states those general rules and requirements which are common to low-voltage equipment as defined in Subclause 1.1, including for example:…
Magnetic materials. Part 8: Specifications for individual materials. Section Seven: Specification fo...
This standard is intended to define the grades of grain-oriented magnetic sheet steel in nominal thicknesses of 0.27 mm, 0.30 mm and 0.35 mm. In particular, it gives general requirements, magnetic properties, geometric characteristics and tolerances and technological characteristics, as well as inspection procedures.
Terminology and Definitions Used in CSA Health Care Technology Standards
This is the second edition of CSA Special Publication Z441, Terminology and Definitions Used in CSA Health Care Technology Standards, superceding the first edition published in 1982.
It contains definitions of terms used in the majority of CSA health care technology Standards published to date. A list of Standards from which these definitions have been extracted is in Appendix A.…