1. Scope
1.1 This Standard provides sample preparation, measurement, and test procedures for the determination of compliance of Construction Sheathing panels with the requirements of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-O325.0 and for assessing other characteristics of pan els.
1.2 The units, test method, size of specimens, number of specimens per panel, and the conditioning requirements are…
Applies to plumbing fixtures made primarily of vitreous and
nonvitreous ceramic material. The Standard covers physical
requirements and test methods pertaining to material, grading,
dimensions, and certain features of construction. Also given
are definitions, inspection methods and tests which establish
generally acceptable quality products.
Material Standards for Reactor Components for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers the requirements for the fabrication and properties of seamless zirconium alloy tubing suitable for use as the in-core portions of fuel channels of a CANDU reactor.
1.1 This Standard covers the requirements for the fabric ation and properties of seamless zirconium alloy tubing to be used in reactivity control rods. Generally,…
This standard applies to two types of belached or dyed polyester/cotton pillow
cases. These products are not recommended for use in hospital operating rooms.
Corrosion Removing Compound, Sodium Hydroxide Base
This standard applies to a corrosion removing compound, containing sodium
hydroxide and sequestering agents, for immersion cleaning.
Intended Uses - The corrosion removing compound covered by this standard is
meant for immersion cleaning only. It is used for removing rust and scale from
iron and steel surfaces, with or without attendant paint, grease or other
surface coatings,…
Programming language processors — Test methods — Guidelines for their development and acceptability
This Technical Report type 3 describes a methodology for determining whether a programming language processor possesses the required characteristics stated in the International Standard for the particular programming language for which it is intended.
Specification for flexible insulating sleeving. Part 3: Specification requirements for individual ty...
This standard deals with flexible insulating sleeving with extruded PVC sleeving:
-sheet 100: general purpose grade,
-sheet 101: high temperature grade,
-sheet 102: low temperature grade,
-sheet 103: general purpose grade, unilateral tolerances,
-sheet 104: high temperature grade, unilateral tolerances,
-sheet 105: low temperature grade, unilateral tolerances.
Varnished fabrics for electrical purposes. Part 3: Specifications for individual materials. Sheet 2:...
This part of the standard contains the requirements for glass fabrics with varnishes based on the following resins: epoxy - glass-fabric base, EP/G; polyurethane - glass-fabric base, PUR/G; silicone - glass-fabric base, SI/G; polyester - glass-fabric base, PE/G; bituminous - glass-fabric base, BT/G; oleoresinous - glass-fabric base, OR/G.
Rubber-covered rollers — Determination of apparent hardness — Part 3: Pusey and Jones method
Describes the method for the determination of the depth of indentation of an indentor under a specified force into the surface of rubber. This depth does not correspond with hardness as measured in accordance with ISO 48, ISO 1400 and ISO 1818. The Pusey and Jones indentation value is an inverse measurements of hardness, i.e. the harder the rubber the lower the Pusey and Jones indentation value.…