Qualification Code for Manufacturers of Structural Glued-Laminated Timber
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers qualification of shop manufacturers of laminated structural timber pressure-glued by the use of clamps or mechanical means other than nailing. It does not certify the laminated timbers so produced.
1.2 This Standard sets forth requirements for determining the initial and continuing suitability of a plant's personnel, equipment, and procedures to…
Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - LOTOS - A Formal Description Techni...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8807:1989.
1 Scope and Field of Application
This International Standard defines the syntax and semantics of the Formal Description Technique LOTOS. LOTOS is in general used for the formal description of distributed, concurrent information processing systems. In particular LOTOS can be used to describe formally the…
Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing Systems for Pressure Applications
Covers cross-linked polyethylene pressure tubing systems in sizes
NPS 1/4 through 2. Components are made in one standard dimension
ratio (SDR 9) and are intended for use in potable water
distribution systems at a maximum working temperature of 82
degrees C and 0.69 MPa (100 psi).
Cord, Braided Cotton Cover with Cotton or Jute Core
1. SCOPe
1.1 This standard applies to cord with braided cotton cover and cotton or jute
1.2 This standard may require the use of materials and/or equipment that could
be hazardous. This document does not purport to address all the safety aspects
associated with its use. Anyone using this standard has the responsibility to
consult the appropriate authorities and to establish…
This standard applies to one grade of lubricating oil suitable for use in steam
turbines and associated reduction gearing.
Lubricating oil to this standard may also be suitable for use as a hydraulic
fluid, or general circulating oil.
Cements — Test methods — Determination of setting time and soundness
Describes the reference procedure. The setting time is determined by observing the penetration of a needle into cement paste of standard consistence until it reaches a specified value. The soundness is determined by observing the volume expansion of cement paste of standard consistence as indicated by the relative movement of two needles.
This standard applies to on-load tap-changers for power transformers, and their motor-drive mechanisms. It relates mainly to tap-changers immersed in transformer oil according to IEC 60296, but may also be used for gas-insulated tap-changers in so far as conditions are applicable.
Signs and Markers - Elastomer Traffic Cone Markers
The object of this standard is to establish requirements for the dimensions,
characteristics and test methods relating to elastomer traffic cone markers
used as highway signalling devices or work zone indicators.
Crude petroleum and petroleum products — Compressibility factors for hydrocarbons in the range 638 k...
Includes the contents of Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 11.2.1M published August 1984 by API. The purpose is to correct hydrocarbon volumes metered under pressure to the corresponding volumes at the equilibrium pressure for the metered temperature. Contains compressibility factors related to meter temperature and density of metered material.
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys — Chemical composition and forms of products — Part 2: Forms ...
Aluminium and aluminium alloys are allocated in families according to the form of products: rolled products, extruded products, drawn products and wires. The mechanical properties and/or dimensional and form tolerances are specified in other International Standards.