Machinery for forestry — Falling-object protective structures — Laboratory tests and performance req...
Establishes a consistent, repeatable means of evaluating characteristics of protective structures under loading. Applies to mobile or self-propelled specially-designed machines as defined in ISO 6814. Some figures illustrate the drop test objekt and drop test impact points. Annex A gives a standard test report; annex B contains additional information for originator of test request.
Medical electrical equipment. Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of anaesthetic machines
Following on the general requirements of IEC 601-1 for the safety of electromedical equipment, this standard specifies safety requirements for medical anaesthetic machines that incorporate electrical components, lung ventilators and inhalation anaesthetic applicators.
Level measuring systems utilizing ionizing radiation with continuous or switching output
Applies to all systems which utilize ionizing radiation for continuous measurement or detection of the level of materials in vessels. The process material may be a liquid or a solid in the form of grains or powder. The systems covered by this standard are generally built for industrial applications covering a very broad range of industries, applications and specifications. Supersedes IEC 60346 (…
Cycles — Filetages utilisés dans les ensembles boîtes de pédalier
La présente Norme internationale spécifie la forme du profil
et prescrit les limites et tolérances des filetages utilisés pour
l'assemblage des cuvettes de pédalier sur les boîtes de pédalier
de bicyclettes (cuvettes réglables filetées à droite, cuvettes
fixes filetées à gauche). Elle se fonde sur
a) l'usage du profil de base du filetage ISO donné dans l'ISO 68;
b) une…
Aerospace — Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys — Inspection, testing and supply requirements — P...
Covers requirements which are common to all forms of these alloys; to determine the requirements for a specific material, it is necessary to use, in conjunction with this part of ISO 8591, the material standard and the relevant part of ISO 8591 appropriate for the form of alloy in question. Also gives definitions.
Cycles — Filetages utilisés pour l'assemblage des roues libres sur les moyeux de bicyclettes
La présente Norme internationale spécifie la forme du profil
et prescrit les limites et tolérances des filetages utilisés pour
l'assemblage des roues libres sur les moyeux de bicyclettes. Elle se fonde sur
a) l'usage du profil de base du filetage ISO donné dans l'ISO 68;
b) une interchangeabilité satisfaisante avec le filetage BSC (British
Standard Cycle) correspondant, ce…
Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part F10: Specification for adjacent fabric: Multifibre
Establishes general requirements for undyed multifibre adjacent fabrics which may be used for the assessment of staining in colour fastness test procedures. These adjacent fabrics exhibit standardized staining properties. Each component of these adjacent fabrics shall be made from fibres having staining characteristics similar to those used in the corresponding single-fibre adjacent fabrics…