1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers material, manufacturing, and class dimensional requirements for seasoned wood poles and reinforcing stubs that are primarily intended for the support of either electrical power or communication lines.
1.2 This Standard does not cover requirements for wood poles intended for use in structures such as bridges, buildings, etc.
1.3 This Standard does…
Shorts pour bébés, Tailles Canada Standard - Dimensionnelle
S'applique aux mesures jugées essentielles au bon ajustement des
shorts en tissus non extensibles qui se portent par-dessus les
couches pour bébés. Les mesures données tiennent compte de
l'épaisseur moyenne des couches.
Telecontrol equipment and systems. Part 1: General considerations. Section Three: Glossary.
Covers all terms necessary for the understanding of telecontrol standards, a certain number of which have not yet been defined in IEC 50(371). This publication has the status of a report.
Defines standard materials, equipment and processing methods for evaluating the vulcanization characteristics of polyisopren rubber. Replaces the first edition (ISO 2302-1975).
1.1 This standard applies to sealed insulating glass units for use in windows,
doors and curtain walls in building envelope and to the testing of samples for
the integrity and durability of the units hermetic seal only.
1.2 The requirements contained herein are applicable to glazing units composed
of two or three sheets of glass and glazed in recessed openings so that the
edge seals are…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to cord-connected household and commercial irons of the steam or dry type, with or without automatic temperature control, for voltages of 250 V and less, designed to be used in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
1.2 This Standard applies to irons intended for general household and commercial clothes ironing use in nonhazardous…