Standard Method of Fire Test of Fire-Damper Assemblies
These requirements and methods of test apply to fire-damper
assemblies rated 3/4 h, 1 h, 1-1/2 h, 2 h, or 3 h for use in
air-conditioning and ventilating system ducts or openings
(without ducts) piercing horizontally or vertically oriented fire
separations where the fire separations are required to have a
fire resistance rating of not more than 4 h.
S'applique aux matelas isolants constitués de fibres minérales
pouvant être utilisés pour modifier tous les modèles standard de
chauffe-eau électriques et de chauffe-eau au gaz naturel, au
propane et au mazout présentant une capacité nominale comprise
entre 115 et 270 L.
Information processing — 9-track, 12,7 mm (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange us...
Provides a format and recording standard for 9-track, 12,7 (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape and reels to be used for information interchange among information processing systems, communication systems, and associated equipment utilizing the 7-bit coded character set specified in ISO 646 or its 7-bit or 8-bit extensions specified in ISO 2022. References: ISO 962; 1001; 1864.
Information processing - 9-track, 12,7 mm (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange us...
Provides a format and recording standard for 9-track, 12,7 (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape and reels to be used for information interchange among information processing systems, communication systems, and associated equipment utilizing the 7-bit coded character set specified in ISO 646 or its 7-bit or 8-bit extensions specified in ISO 2022. References: ISO 962; 1001; 1864.
D.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and safety requirements
This standard specifies general and safety requirements for electronic ballasts for use on d.c. supplies, having rated voltages not exceeding 250 V, associated with fluorescent lamps complying with IEC 81. This standard also specifies electronic ballasts for lamps which are not yet standardized. lt does not specify independent ballasts. Supersedes IEC 60458.
Surface active agents — Determination of wetting power by immersion
A cotton disc of known nature and characteristics, held in a grip, is immersed in a solution of surface active agent of known concentration. After displacement of air an penetration of the solution into the cloth, the cotton disc starts to sink. The wetting time is determined by measurement the interval between the moment of immersion of the cotton disc and the moment when it begins to sink. The…
1.1 This standard applies to cotton sewing thread, unbleached, bleached or
dyed, treated or untreated, for use in high-speed sewing machines.
1.2 This standard may require the use of materials and/or equipment that could
be hazardous. This document does not purport to address all the safety aspects
associated with its use. Anyone using this standard has the responsibility to
User Selection Guide to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A440-M90, Windows
This User Selection Guide is designed to accompany CSA Standard
A440, Windows, to assist specifiers, manufacturers, and general
users. Clause numbers in this Publication correspond to the
appropriate Clauses in CSA Standard A440.
Standard for Flexible Underground Hose Connectors for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
Sets forth requirements for flexible underground hose connectors
intended for flammable and combustible liquid service at
temperatures within the range of -40 degrees C to +50 degrees C.
Standard for Leakage Rated Dampers for Use in Smoke Control Systems
These requirements cover leakage rated dampers intended for use
in heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
Leakage rated dampers are intended to restrict the spread of
smoke in HVAC systems that are designed to be automatically shut
down in the event of a fire or to control the movement of smoke
within a building when the HVAC system is operational in
engineered smoke…