This standard applies to glass, that has been tempered or combined with other
materials to reduce the likelihood of injury to persons by objects projected
from an exterior source or by glass fragments when the glass is cracked or
broken. It specifies requirements for safety glass intended primarily for use
in doors and adjacent glazed panels and is particularly applicable to glazed
Application for Hot-Applied Rubberized Asphalt for Roofing and Waterproofing
1.1 This standard applies to the recommended procedures employed in the
application of CAN/CGSB-37.50-M for new construction only, in areas where it
will be protected as soon as possible in service from sunlight and traffic.
1.2 Typical applications include protected membrane roofing systems,
waterproofing concrete slab construction on highway bridge decks, parking
garages, roof terraces…
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 1989-1985.
This is the first edition of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z243.39, Programming Language - COBOL, and is an adoption of ISO Standard 1989-1985, which, in turn, is an adoption of ANSI Standard X3.23-1985, American National Standard for Information Systems - Pr ogramming Language - COBOL. This Standard…
Non-Inhibited Phosphoric Acid Base Metal Conditioner and Rust Remover
1.1 This standard applies to two types of non-inhibited phosphoric acid metal
conditioners which, when diluted with water, will remove rust from metal in the
presence of light grease and oil and provide a slight etching action to provide
adhesion of paint.
1.2 For more detailed information on intended uses, see par. 8.2.
1.3 The testing and evaluation of a product against this…
Inhibited Phosphoric Acid Base Metal Conditioner and Rust Remover
This standard applies to one type of inhibited phosphoric acid metal
conditioner and rust remover which, when diluted with water, will remove rust
from metal in the presence of small amounts of grease and oil and will provide
adhesion of paint or other subsequent preservative treatment.
For more detailed informatin on uses, see par. 7.2.
Power and energy measuring detectors, instruments and equipment for laser radiation
This standard lays down definitions and minimum requirements, as well as suitable test procedures, for the characteristics and manufacturing standards for detectors, instruments and equipment for the measurement of power and energy of laser radiation.
Surface active agents — Detergents — Determination of cationic-active matter content — Part 2: Catio...
The method is also suitable for other cationic-active materials. Not applicable if anionic and/or amphoteric surface active agents are present. The sample is titrated in a two-phase (aqueous chloroform) system against a standard anionic surface active agent in the presence of an indicator consisting of mixed anionic and cationic dyes. The cationic surface active agent present in the sample…
Information technology — Guidelines for the management of software documentation
Addresses the policies, standards, procedures, resources and plans to produce an effective software. Applicable to all types of software from the simplest program to the most complex software system and to all stages of the software lifecycle. Detailed advice on the content and layout of software documentation is not provided. Annex A contains checklists of the policies, standards, procedures and…
Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards — Part 1: Electric lifts (elevators)
This Technical Report consists of a comparison of the requirements of selected topics as covered by: CEN - EN81, Part 1 (1985); ASME - ASME/ANSI A17.1 (1987); USSR - NEDRA (1972); CMEA - (Elevator Safety Regulations).