Space data and information transfer systems — Radio metric and orbit data
Applies to civil space applications. The requirements specified are the technical recommendations made in: CCSDS 501.0-B-1 (issue 1) January 1987 which is adopted as an International Standard.
Space data and information transfer systems — Time code formats
Applies to civil space applications. The requirements specified are the technical recommendations made in: CCSDS 301.0-B-2 (issue 2) April 1990 which is adopted as an International Standard.
Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for safety
The mainstay of safety standards in all the rapidly evolving technology of electromedical equipment, the second (1988) edition of IEC 601-1 called for updating through this first Amendment.
Sequential sampling plans for inspection by attributes
The specified plans apply to: end items, components and raw materials, operations, materials in process, supplies in storage, maintenance operations, data or records, administrative procedures. Annexes A, B and C form an integral part of this standard.
Sequential sampling plans for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming (known standard devi...
Applies if all of the following conditions are satisfied: a) inspected are continuing series of lots of discrete items supplied by one producer from one production process; b) only a single quality characteristic x is taken into consideration; c) production is stable and x has a known standard deviation; d) an upper or lower limit (or both) is defined.
Agricultural tractors — Test procedures — Part 7: Axle power determination
Gives measurement units and tolerances, and includes general requirements. Annex A (test report) forms an integral part of this standard. Annexes B, C, D (reference fuels) and E are for information only.