Textile Test Methods Flame Resistance - Vertically Oriented Textile Fabric
or Fabric Assembly Tes...
1.1 This method determines the burning behaviour of vertically oriented flame
resistant textile fabrics. The specimens tested may be a single layer of
fabric or an assembly of two or more layers.
1.2 This method provides two procedures for determining the extent of flame
spread. One procedure requires a visual observation of whether or not the
flame reaches any edge of the specimen;…
Textile Test Methods Breaking Strength of Yarns - Single Strand Method
This National Standard of Canada is based on International Standard ISO 2062:1972.
1.1 This method determines the breaking strength of single strands of yarns,
including monofilaments, single yarns, plied or folded yarns, cabled yarns,
cords, threads and twines. It is designed primarily for testing yarn in
package form but can be used for single strands removed from a fabric.
1.2 The…
Iron ores — Determination of manganese content — Part 1: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric metho...
The specified method applies to manganese contents between 0,01 % (m/m) and 3 % (m/m) in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates and agglomerates, including sinter products. Annex A forms an integral part of this standard. Annexes B and C are for information only.
Specifies the calculations to be made to adjust the volume of a liquid from the conditions at measurement to the equivalent volume of liquid or vapour at a standard temperature and pressure, or to the equivalent mass or energy (calorific content). Annexes A to H form an integral part of this standard.
Analysis techniques for dependability - Reliability block diagram method
Describes procedures for modelling the reliability of a system and for using the model in order to calculate reliability and availability measures. A standard set of symbols related to reliability parameters is given and some formulae are given in the annexes.
Iron ores — Determination of vanadium content — BPHA spectrophotometric method
The specified method applies to vanadium contents between 0,005 % (m/m) and 0,5 % (m/m) in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates and agglomerates, including sinter products. Annex A is for information only. Annexes B and C are an integral part of this standard.
Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 1: Factors for the calculation ...
This Technical Report aims to show the origin and the application as far as necessary of the factors used to meet the demands of technical precision and simplicity when calculating short-circuit currents according to IEC 60909.
It is an addition to IEC 60909. It does not, however, change the basis for standardized calculation procedure given in that publication.
Specifies the requirements of dehydrated tarragon (methylchavicol type - called "French tarragon") in the form of whole or cut leaves and powder. Does not apply to elemicin-sabinene-type tarragon (called "Russian tarragon"). Annex A forms an integral part of this standard.
Dependability management - Part 3: Application guide - Section 1: Analysis techniques for dependabil...
This international standard gives a general overview of commonly used dependability analysis procedures. This guide is an introduction to the available methodology.