Commercial road vehicles and buses over 3,5 t — Front towing attachments
Specifies the characteristics required of attachments which permit the use of ropes, cables or bars. Does not apply to special purpose vehicles and standard vehicles used for special applications.
Describes the general composition, characteristics and requirements, test methods, marking, and conformity with standards. Gives terms and definitions. Annexes A and B form an integral part of this standard.
Autopompes de première intervention de lutte contre l'incendie(mini-autopompes)
1.1 La présente norme a pour but de fournir les exigences essentielles pour
s'assurer que les performances des mini-autopompes des services de lutte contre
l'incendie sont satisfaites.
1.2 La mini-autopompe couverte par la présente norme est destinée à être un
complément à l'autopompe standard normalement utilisée par les services…
Textile Test Methods Textiles - Determination of pH of the Aqueous Extract
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO
This International Standard specifies a method for determining the pH value of
the aqueous extract of textiles.¹)
The method is applicable to textile in any form (fibres, yarn, fabrics, etc.),
provided that a small representative sample may be obtained which is in, or may
be reduced to, a form which…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to modular wiring systems combined with the office furniture in which they are intended to be used.
1.2 This Standard applies to equipment intended to be connected to one or more supply circuits at a nominal system voltage of 120 V to ground, and a maximum rating of 20 A per circuit, for use in nonhazardous locations, in accordance with the Rules of the…
General Requirements for Pressure-Retaining Systems and Components in CANDU
Nuclear Power Plants
This Standard specifies the general requirements for the design,
fabrication, and installation of pressure-retaining systems, components,
and their supports in CANDU nuclear power plants.
This Standard, to the extent specified herein, applies to all
pressure-retaining systems and components and their supports in a nuclear
power plant.
When this Standard is adopted for…
Sets out general requirements and gives guidelines for selecting and
implementing risk analysis techniques, primarily for technological hazards.
Risk analysis is a structured process that attempts to identify both the extent
and likelihood of consequences associated with such hazards. Risk analysis
answers three fundamental questions:
(1) What can go wrong?
(2) How likely is it? and
Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Protocol Comb...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 8880-1:1990.
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 8880 specifies the protocol combinations to be used to
support the OSI Network Service defined in ISO 8348 and its Addendum 1. The
field of application of this part of ISO/IEC 8880 is that of the environments
defined in the other parts of ISO/IEC 8880. The field…