Procedure for use in the preparation of maximum lamp outlines
Provides guidelines for the preparation of maximum lamp outlines for the specific bulb shapes and caps noted. Is primarily for the use of lamp standardizing committees.
Rubber compounding ingredients — Carbon black — Method of evaluation in styrene-butadiene rubbers
Specifies a standard test formula for evaluation of carbon black in rubbers. Describes the evaluation of vulcanization characteristics as well as the tensile stress strain properties of vulcanized test mixes. Gives the contents of the test report.
Portable Refrigerators for Use With HD-5 Propane Gas
This is a searchable PDF.
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This standard covers gas-fired refrigerators, hereinafter referred to as refrigerators or appliances, having refrigerated spaces for: (a) Storage of foods; or (b) Storage of foods and making ice; or (c) Storage of frozen foods and making ice; or (d) Storage of foods and the storage of frozen foods and making ice. It applies to newly produced,…
Norme IEEE sur les joints des câbles à diélectrique extrudé dont les tension
nominales sont compris...
La présente Norme nationale du Canada est équivalente à la norme de l'Institute
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers standard IEEE 404-1986.
Elle établie les caractéristiques nominales électriques et les exigences
d'essai des joints de câbles blindés à diélectrique extrudé dont les tensions
nominales sont comprises entre 5 000 et 46 000 V, et des câbles à diélectrique
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to electric fence controllers intended for use in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, on circuits having a nominal voltage of 120 V or less.
1.2 These requirements cover indoor and outdoor types of electric fence controllers that utilize either peak-discharge or timed-sinusoidal circuits to obtain the high voltage…
Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange
Between Systems - End System R...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC 10030:1990.
This International Standard defines a protocol for the exchange of routeing
information between an End System and a Subnetwork Address Resolution Entity.
This International Standard is applicable to:
a) End Systems which operate according to the main body of ISO 8878 to provide
Provides procedures for measuring harmonic currents generated by equipment to
the extent that they affect the safety of electrical installations when the
equipment is installed in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
The procedures described in this Standard are provided for referencing in the
Standards forming Part II of the Canadian Electrical Code. Although…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to splitters, having a current rating of 5000 A and less, intended for installation in nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I on systems having nominal voltages of 600 V and less.
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
This International Standard specifies the nominal dimensions and tolerances of
the swivel-type coupling used between the dental handpieces and their driving
mechanisms. It is not applicable to the older "slip-joint" coupling. It is
restricted to mechanically coupled handpieces of the slow or…
Dental Equipment - Items of Dental Equipment at the Working Place -
Identification System
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
This International Standard lays down a reference plan for the location of the
items, it gives symbols for the items and a two-digit system for the
identification of the combination of items which are used at the working place
of the dental team where examination, treatment and other clinical procedures…