Spray-Application of Rigid Polyurethane Cellular Plastic Thermal
Insulation for Building Constructi...
1.1 This standard provides procedures to installers of spray-applied rigid
polyurethane cellular plastic thermal insulation in building construction. The
insulation is intended to be sprayed only into open cavities or onto surfaces
at the construction site. After the insulation application, the cavities or
surfaces can be enclosed.
1.2 The procedures include selection of chemical…
This standard sets out criteria to be used when selecting uniformed contract
and in-house security guard supervisors for the protection of people, property
and information. It covers requirements for contract and in-house security
guard supervisors and provides a "Security guard Supervisors (Pre-Assignment)
Training Program" (Appendix A). The expected duties of security guard…
Commentary on the Principles for Quality Assurance Programs of CSA N286 Series Standards
1. Scope
1.1 This Special Publication is a commentary on the principles for quality assurance programs to be implemented in the phases of a nuclear power plant life-cycle, including site assessment, procurement, design, construction, commissioning, operations, and decommissioning.
1.1 This standard applies to a thinner that slows the drying of cellulose
nitrate lacquers to prevent blushing under conditions of high relative humidity
and temperature.
1.2 For more detailed information on intended uses, see par. 8.2.
1. Scope
This Standard pertains to wood-based panel products, designed and manufactured
for protected construction uses as roof sheathing, wall sheathing, and floor
sheathing in light frame construction applications. Construction Sheathing
panels primarily comprise three types: all wood veneer; part veneer and part
wood furnish; and all wood furnish.
This Standard requires…
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 1: Generic specification - General requirements and measuring meth...
Relates to connectors for r.f. transmission lines and serves as a
generic specification providing the basis for the sectional
standards which apply to individual connector types. Establishes
uniform concepts and procedures concerning:
-standard ratings and characteristics;
-testing and measuring procedures concerning electrical and
mechanical properties;
-classification of…
Methods of measuring the characteristics of reproducing equipment for digital audio compact discs
Lists and defines the characteristics affecting the performance of CD players, establishes conditions and methods of measurement of those characteristics and standardizes the presentation of results.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 3: Description of the environmen...
Describes the electromagnetic environment. Intended as a basis to achieve electromagnetic compatibility in system and equipment design, using test standards and mitigation methods which satisfactorily take account of undesirable effects. The report is primarily concerned with characteristics and levels of electromagnetic fields and of non-network-frequency-related conducted emissions from…