This standard is composed of eleven test methods which can be used to determine
relevant properties of weather stripping. The test methods are applicable to
both indoor and outdoor weather strip products.
Electrical installations of buildings - Part 1: Scope, object
and fundamental principles
Applies to electrical installations such as those of:
a)residential premises
b)commercial premises
c)public premises
d)industrial premises
e)agricultural and horticultural premises
f)prefabricated buildings
g)caravans, caravan sites and similar sites
h)construction sites, exhibitions, fairs and other temporary
i)marinas and pleasure craft
a)circuits supplied at nominal…
Specifies general requirements for audiometers and particular requirements for pure-tone audiometers designed for use in determining hearing threshold levels in comparison with the standard reference threshold level by means of psycho-acoustic test methods. The contents of the corrigendum of February 1993 have been included in this copy.
High-voltage test techniques for low voltage equipment - Part 1: Definitions, test and procedure req...
Applies to:
-dielectric tests with direct voltage
-dielectric tests with alternating voltage
-dielectric tests with impulse voltage
-tests with impulse current
-tests with combinations of the above.
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 5: Performance characteristics of television tr...
Intended for type tests and acceptance and factory tests. The performance characteristics measured in accordance with this standard make it possible to compare the results of measurements made by different observers.
Light gauge metal containers — Non-round open-top cans — Cans defined by their nominal capacities
Gives a list of nominal capacities up to 2000 ml. Applies to the following shapes: rectangular, oval, obround, trapezoidal. Annex A gives a classification of can sizes by shapes with related nominal sections. Annex B lists can sizes previously standardized in ISO 3004-2, 3004-4 and 3004-5 and now excluded as they do not meet the required criterion of this report.
Solar energy — Reference solar spectral irradiance at the ground at different receiving conditions —...
Provides an appropriate standard spectral irradiance distribution to be used in determining relative performance of solar thermal, photovoltaic, and other system components and materials where the direct and hemispherical irradiance component is desired. The tables presented define an air mass 1,5 solar spectral irradiance for the direct normal radiation - 5,8° field-of-view angle - and…
1.1 The standard covers the installation of weather strip products to doors,
windows, hatches and other openings in the envelope of buildings.
1.2 It is intended for building inspectors, sealing contractors and workers,
weather strip contractors and workers, and government agencies having authority
over air-sealing work in buildings. The standard is of interest to the
manufacturers of windows…
1.1 This standard specifies the chemical and physical requirements for sodium
soap, or a mixture of sodium and potassium soaps, in bar form, intended for
general cleaning with soft water (eg. hand laundering, floor scrubbing, etc.).
1.2 For heavy-duty cleaning, such as for floors of garages and hangars,
detergent produced in accordance with CAN/CGSB-2.107 may be used for painted or…
1.1 This standard specifies the chemical and physical requirements for
potassium soap in paste form intended for use in general cleaning, particularly
of floors and painted or lacquered surfaces.
1.2 See CAN/CGSB-2.34 for guidance on the choice of soaps or detergents.