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Code de la Classification internationale pour les normes (ICS)
Code de l’organisme d’élaboration de normes (OEN)
Code de la Norme nationale du Canada (NNC)
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Affichage 1921 - 1930 de 28066
Magnetic materials - Part 8-4: Specifications for individual materials - Cold-rolled non-oriented el...
IEC 60404-8-4:2022 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC 60404-8-4:2022 defines the grades of cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel strip and sheet in nominal…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
17.220.20; 29.030
Coaxial communication cables - Part 4: Sectional specification for radiating cables
IEC 61196-4:2022 CMV contains both the official standard and its commented version. The commented version provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between IEC 61196-4:2022 edition 4.0 and the previous IEC 61196-4:2015 edition 3.0. Furthermore, comments from IEC SC 46A experts are provided to explain the reasons of the most relevant changes, or to clarify any part of the…
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Coaxial communication cables - Part 4: Sectional specification for radiating cables
IEC 61196-4:2022 applies to radiating coaxial communication cables, and specifies the terms and definitions, material and construction, IEC type designation, standard rating and characteristics, identification, marking and labelling, requirements of finished cables, quality assessment, delivery and storage, etc. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2015 This…
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Intelligent transport systems — Truck platooning systems (TPS) — Functional and operational requirem...
This document defines the terms and definitions related to truck platooning systems (TPS), and the mode transitions in the platooning control system (PCS). The PCS is comprised of two main functions: the platooning operation control function (POCF) and the platooning manoeuvre control function (PMCF). This document specifies: —    POCF and PMCF governing how vehicles join and leave platoons…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.20; 35.240.60
Intelligent transport systems — Roadside modules SNMP data interface — Part 3: Triggers
Field devices are a key component in intelligent transport systems (ITS). Field devices include traffic signals, message signs, weather stations, traffic sensors, roadside equipment for connected ITS (C-ITS) environments, etc. Field devices often need to exchange information with other external entities (managers). Field devices can be quite complex, necessitating the standardization of many data…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.20; 35.240.60
Plastics — Joining of thermoplastic moulded components — Specification for quality levels for imperf...
This document specifies quality levels for imperfections in joints in thermoplastic moulded components due to the joining process. This document does not describe imperfections that can be generated either during service or present before joining, such as poor fit up. The correct preparation before joining is described in the relevant thermal joining process specification (TJPS), as defined in…
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Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 4-2: Particular requirements for...
IEC TS 61496-4-2:2022 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC TS 61496-4-2:2022 specifies requirements for the design, construction and testing of non-contact electro-…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
13.110; 29.260.99
Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Bridge alert management - Part 10...
IEC PAS 62923-101:2022 primarily provides support to other workgroups to include alert requirements in standards in line with Bridge Alert Management (BAM), and additionally provides support to designers to implement alert properties so that they conform with the BAM requirements. This document is applicable, and is intended to provide guidance, when the intention is to implement BAM according to…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
47.020; 47.020.70
Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Part 4: Detail specification for shielded or un...
IEC 63171-4:2022 covers shielded and unshielded free and fixed multimedia connectors (MMC) for data transmission with frequencies up to and above 3 000 MHz for shielded and up to 600 MHz for unshielded connectors, both with current-carrying capacity with up to 8 ways. It specifies the common dimensions, mechanical, electrical and transmission characteristics and environmental requirements as well…
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Measurement procedures of magnetic field levels generated by electronic and electrical equipment in ...
IEC 62764-1:2022 specifies a methodology for determining the exposure to multiple magnetic field sources for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles including standardized operating conditions and measurement volumes and/or surfaces. This part of IEC 62764 applies to the assessment of human exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields generated by automotive vehicles. For plug-in vehicles, this…
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