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Code de la Classification internationale pour les normes (ICS)
Code de l’organisme d’élaboration de normes (OEN)
Code de la Norme nationale du Canada (NNC)
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Affichage 1441 - 1450 de 28141
Field device integration (FDI)® - Part 109-1: Profiles - HART® and WirelessHART®
IEC 62769-109-1:2023 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC 62769-109-1:2023 specifies an FDI®[1] profile of IEC 62769 for IEC 61784‑1_CP 9/1 (HART®)[2] and IEC 61784‑…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 35.100.05
Field Device Integration (FDI)® - Part 103-4: PROFINET
IEC 62769-103-4:2023 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC 62769-103-4:2023 specifies an FDI®[1] profile of IEC 62769 for IEC 61784-2_CP 3/4, IEC 61784-2_CP3/5 and IEC…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 35.100.05
Field Device Integration (FDI)® - Part 103-1: Profiles - PROFIBUS
IEC 62769-103-1:2023 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC 62769-103-1:2023 specifies an FDI®[1] profile of IEC 62769 for IEC 61784-1_CP 3/1 (PROFIBUS DP)[2] and IEC…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 35.100.05
Adhesives — Floor covering adhesives and products for flooring installation — Assessment and classif...
This document specifies a reference method for the determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions into indoor air from floor covering adhesives and products used for flooring installation. This method is applicable to determine volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, and volatile aldehydes. It is based on the use of a test chamber and subsequent analysis of an air…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
Field device Integration (FDI)® - Part 101-1: Profiles - Foundation Fieldbus H1
IEC 62769-101-1:2023 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC 62769-101-1:2023 specifies an FDI®[1] profile of IEC 62769 for IEC 61784‑1_CP 1/1 (Foundation™ Fieldbus H1)[2…
Éditeur :
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 35.100.05
Field Device Integration (FDI)® - Part 101-2: Profiles - Foundation Fieldbus HSE
IEC 62769-101-2:2023 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC 62769-101-2:2023 specifies the IEC 62769 profile for IEC 61784‑1, CP 1/2 (Foundation™ Fieldbus HSE)[1]. [1…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 35.100.05
Field Device Integration (FDI®) - Part 6-100: Technology Mapping - .Net
IEC 62769-6-100:2023 specifies the technology mapping for the concepts described in the Field Device Integration (FDI®[1]) standard. The technology mapping focuses on implementation regarding the components FDI® Client and User Interface Plug-in (UIP) using the Runtime .NET. This runtime is specific only to the WORKSTATION platform as defined in IEC 62769‑4. [1] FDI is a registered trademark…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 35.100.05
Field Device Integration (FDI®) - Part 6-200: Technology Mapping - HTML5
IEC 62769-6-200:2023 specifies the technology mapping for the concepts described in the Field Device Integration (FDI®[1]) standard. The technology mapping focuses on implementation regarding the components FDI® Client and User Interface Plug-in (UIP) for the Runtime HTML5. [1] FDI is a registered trademark of the non-profit organization Fieldbus Foundation, Inc. This information is given for…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 35.100.05
Field device Integration (FDI)® - Part 101-1: Profiles - Foundation Fieldbus H1
IEC 62769-101-1:2023 specifies an FDI®[1] profile of IEC 62769 for IEC 61784‑1_CP 1/1 (Foundation™ Fieldbus H1)[2]. [1] FDI is a registered trademark of the non-profit organization Fieldbus Foundation, Inc. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trademark holder or any of its products. Compliance does not…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 35.100.05
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio d...
CISPR 16-1-4:2019+AMD1:2020+AMD2:2023 specifies the characteristics and performance of equipment for the measurement of radiated disturbances in the frequency range 9 kHz to 18 GHz. Specifications for antennas and test sites are included. NOTE In accordance with IEC Guide 107, CISPR 16-1-4 is a basic EMC publication for use by product committees of the IEC. As stated in Guide 107, product…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
33.100.10; 33.100.20