Performance criteria for the analyses of environmental DNA by targeted quantitative polymerase chain...
1 Scope
1.1 General
This Standard applies to targeted qPCR-based eDNA assays used to conduct eDNA biological surveys or assessments.
This Standard provides performance criteria pertaining to
analytical performance including
repeatability; and
reproducibility; and
field application criteria…
Critères de performance pour les analyses de l’ADN environnemental par réaction de polymérisation en...
1 Domaine d’application
1.1 Généralités
Cette norme s’applique aux tests ciblés de détection d’ADNe basés sur la PCRq qui servent à la prise de relevés ou à la conduite d’évaluations biologiques d’ADNe.
Cette norme propose des critères de performance relatifs:
à la production de rapports;
à la performance analytique, y compris :
la spécificité;
la sensibilité;
Textile test methods Flame resistance of soft floor coverings
1 Scope
This National Standard of Canada:
• determines the flame resistance of soft floor coverings when exposed to an ignition source (methenamine for
timed burning tablet) under specified conditions;
• establishes sampling plans and procedures to determine the acceptability with respect to the flame resistance
of soft floor coverings using a sequential sampling procedure;
• describes a…
The standard specifies minimum requirements for cyber security in healthcare organizations and supports cyber resiliency of Canada’s healthcare system.
NOTE: While organizations are to be encouraged to consider physical security as a key aspect of their cyber security program, given the complexity and resources required, it is out of scope of this Standard.
Aerospace — Screws, pan head, internal offset cruciform ribbed or unribbed drive, pitch diameter sha...
This document specifies the dimensions of pan head screws with internal offset cruciform ribbed or unribbed drive, pitch diameter shank and long length MJ threads, in metallic material, coated or uncoated, with strength classes less than or equal to 1 100 MPa.
This document is applicable to the compilation of aerospace product standards.
Dry Pipe and Deluge Valves for Fire- Protection Service
1.1 These requirements cover valve equipment intended for installation in piping systems to supply
water automatically to dry pipe, deluge, and pre-action sprinkler systems for fire-protection service.
1.2 Valves covered by these requirements may be a differential type, latched-clapper type, or a
combination of these types.
1.3 The valves covered by these requirements are intended for…
Soupapes de système déluge et de système de gicleurs sous air destinées à la protection contre les i...
Domaine d’application
1.1 Ces exigences couvrent les équipements de soupapes destinés à être installées dans des systèmes
de tuyauterie pour alimenter automatiquement en eau les systèmes sous air, déluges et de gicleurs à préaction
pour les services de protection contre les incendies.
1.2 Les soupapes couvertes par ces exigences peuvent être du type différentiel, du type à clapet
Educational organizations — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of educational...
This document defines the rules applicable to the audit and certification of educational organization management systems (EOMS) conforming to the requirements given in ISO 21001 (or other sets of specified EOMS requirements). It also provides the necessary information and confidence to customers about the way certification of their suppliers has been granted.
Certification of EOMS is a third-…
Systems and software engineering — Systems and software assurance — Part 3: System integrity levels
This document specifies the concept of integrity levels with the corresponding integrity level requirements for achieving the integrity levels. Requirements and recommended methods are provided for defining and using integrity levels and their corresponding integrity level requirements. This document covers systems, software products, and their elements, as well as relevant external dependences.…
Application guidelines for nonlinear coefficient measuring methods
IEC TR 62285:2023 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition.
IEC TR 62285:2023 which is a Technical Report, provides guidelines for uniform measurements of the nonlinear…