Dimensions des tores constitués d'oxydes magnétiques ou de poudre de fer
Donne des renseignements destinés à orienter la future conception de tores de section rectangulaire, constitués d'oxydes magnétiques ou de poudre de fer, pour les transformateurs à large bande ou les transformateurs d'impulsions. Les tores à enroulement de rubans magnétiques font l'objet d'une publication séparée.
Class 0.5, 1 and 2 alternating-current watt-hour meters
Applies only to newly manufactured induction type watt-hour meters of accuracy classes 0.5, 1 and 2, for the measurement of alternating current electrical active energy of a frequency in the range 45 Hz to 65 Hz and to their type tests only.
This publication supersedes IEC 43 (1960), 170 (1964) and 280 (1968).
Stabilized power supplies, d.c. output - Part 3: Radio-frequency interference tests
Specifies the measuring equipment and techniques to be used in assessing the conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated by stabilized power supplies and especially by switched-mode power supplies. Relates mainly to power supplies for which the source current required does not exceed 25 A. The techniques employed follow the general principles given in CISPR publications. Requirements…
Variable capacitors. Part 4: Type specification for variable pre-set capacitors Type C
These three publications give test methods and requirements for judging electrical, mechanical and climatic properties and for a system of classification into categories according to the ability of the capacitors to withstand the conditions specified.
Expression of the properties of cathode-ray oscilloscopes. Part 1: General
Applicable to general-purpose cathode-ray oscilloscopes for measuring electrical quantities. Special definitions. Standard data. Conditions and methods for testing the properties. This publication supersedes IEC 60351 (1971).
Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2-39: Tests - Test Z/AMD: Combined sequential cold, lo...
Applies to aircraft components and equipment, particularly to those installed in unheated or unpressurized conditions.
Has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104.
Essais fondamentaux climatiques et de robustesse mécanique - Partie 2-39: Essais - Essai Z/AMD: Essa...
Essai destiné aux composants et équipements utilisés dans l'aéronautique, en particulier dans les parties non chauffées et non pressurisées.
A le statut d'une publication fondamentale de sécurité, conformément au Guide CEI 104.
Supplement E - Measurement of the electrical properties of microwave tubes - Part 2: General measure...
Gives terms, definitions, basic theory and recommended methods of measurement of the effects of non-linearity in electronic tubes. Although primarily intended for electronic tubes, this publication also applies to other electronic devices.