Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-108: Particular requirements for elect...
IEC 60335-2-108:2024 EXV contains both the international standard and its extended version (EXV). This extended version of the official IEC Standard is available in English only and provides the user with a comprehensive content of the Standard. IEC 60335-2-108:2024 EXV includes the content of the references made to IEC 60335-1:2020.
IEC 60335-2-108:2024 deals with the safety of electrolysers…
Information technology - GS1 Core Business Vocabulary (CBV)
This document defines Version 2.0 of the Core Business Vocabulary (CBV). The goal of this document is to specify the structure of vocabularies and specific values for the vocabulary elements to be utilized in conjunction with the GS1 Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) standard for data sharing both within and across enterprises. The aim is to standardize these elements across…
Information technology - EPC Information Services (EPCIS)
This document is a GS1 standard that defines Version 2.0 of EPC Information Services (EPCIS). The goal of EPCIS is to enable disparate applications to create and share visibility event data, both within and across enterprises. Ultimately, this sharing is aimed at enabling users to gain a shared view of physical or digital objects within a relevant business context.
Information technology — GS1 Core Business Vocabulary (CBV)
This document defines Version 2.0 of the Core Business Vocabulary (CBV). The goal of this document is to specify the structure of vocabularies and specific values for the vocabulary elements to be utilized in conjunction with the GS1 Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) standard for data sharing both within and across enterprises. The aim is to standardize these elements across…
Information technology — EPC Information Services (EPCIS)
This document is a GS1 standard that defines Version 2.0 of EPC Information Services (EPCIS). The goal of EPCIS is to enable disparate applications to create and share visibility event data, both within and across enterprises. Ultimately, this sharing is aimed at enabling users to gain a shared view of physical or digital objects within a relevant business context.
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-108: Particular requirements for elect...
This pack contains IEC 60335-2-108:2024 EXV and IEC 60335-2-108:2024 RLV.
IEC 60335-2-108:2024 deals with the safety of electrolysers that produce low viscosity, ionized liquids intended for use as detergent free wash water in appliances for household and similar purposes and which conform with the standards applicable to such appliances. It applies to electrolysers tested separately, under…
Information technology - Genomic information representation - Part 2: Coding of genomic information
This document provides specifications for the representation of the following types of genomic information:
— unaligned sequencing reads including read identifiers and quality values;
— aligned sequencing reads including read identifiers and quality values;
— reference sequences.
Information technology - Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) specification
This document describes a methodology for calculating the rate of carbon emissions for a software system; that is, its SCI score. The purpose of this score is to increase awareness and transparency of an application's sustainability credentials. The score will help software practitioners make better, evidence-based decisions during system design, development, and deployment, that will…
Information technology - AT Attachment - Part 105: ATA Command Set - 5 (ACS-5)
The set of AT Attachment standards consists of this standard and the ATA implementation standards described in AT Attachment - 8 ATA/ATAPI Architecture Model (ATA8-AAM). This standard specifies the command set that host systems use to access storage devices. This standard provides a common command set for systems manufacturers, system integrators, software suppliers, and suppliers of intelligent…
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-108: Particular requirements for elect...
IEC 60335-2-108:2024 deals with the safety of electrolysers that produce low viscosity, ionized liquids intended for use as detergent free wash water in appliances for household and similar purposes and which conform with the standards applicable to such appliances. It applies to electrolysers tested separately, under the most severe conditions that can be expected to occur in normal use, their…