Information technology — Methodologies to evaluate the resistance of biometric recognition systems t...
This standard establishes requirements for biometric recognition systems that could become subject to morphing attacks.
The standard establishes:
• Taxonomy of biometric sample modifications and manipulation with a specific focus on manipulations that constitute a multiple identity attack. This can be for instance an enrolment attack with face image morphing.
• Requirements for testing databases…
Information technology — Business operational view — Part 8: Identification of privacy protection re...
ISO/IEC 15944-8:2012 has been developed to support modelling generic international requirements for identifying and providing privacy protection of personal information throughout any kind of information and communications technology (ICT) based business transaction where the individual has the role of a buyer. It provides users and designers with a methodology and tools addressing requirements…
Implants ophtalmiques — Lentilles intraoculaires — Partie 4: Étiquetage et informations
L'ISO 11979-4:2008 spécifie les exigences relatives à l'étiquetage des lentilles intraoculaires (LIO), ainsi que les informations à fournir dans leur emballage ou sur celui-ci.
Steel and iron — Determination of total carbon content — Infrared absorption method after combustion...
The method is applicable to carbon contents between 0,003% (m/m) and 4,5 % (m/m). Specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, sampling, procedure, expression of results and test report. The annexes give additional information on the international co-operative tests, a graphical representation of precision data and features of induction furnaces and carbon analysers.