Photosensitive Anodized Aluminum Markings: Plates and Foil, Photographic
This standard applies to sensitized aluminum plates and foil on which line or
continuous tone images can be reproduced by photographic means either by the
user or the supplier, for the preparation of name plates, dials and other
For detailed information on uses, see par. 8.1.
Magnetic cores for application in coincident current matrix stores having a nominal selection ratio ...
Establishes a glossary of terms and definitions used in specifying the core properties, gives recommendations for the specification of cores, including general information on measuring methods and conditions of test, and for the presentation of core performance data.
Noyaux magnétiques destinés aux mémoires de sélection à coïncidence de courants ayant un rapport de ...
Etablit un glossaire de termes et de définitions concernant les propriétés des tores, présente des recommandations pour leur spécification, donne des informations générales sur les méthodes de mesure, les conditions d'essai et la présentation des caractéristiques de fonctionnement des tores.
Low-frequency cables and wires with p.v.c. insulation and p.v.c. sheath - Part 5: Equipment wires an...
Deals with equipment wires and cables, screened, single or one pair, used for the internal wiring of transmission equipment, automatic telephone and telegraph equipment, and equipment for information processing.
Dimensions of tubes, pins and rods of ferromagnetic oxides
Gives information with regard to the manufacture of tubes, pins and rods of ferromagnetic oxides with an outer diameter of 25 mm (1 in) maximum and with circular cross-section.