Continuous forms used for information processing — Sizes and sprocket feed holes
Describes the sizes of continuous forms and the diameter and location of the sprocket feed holes. Applies to paper in continuous lengths intended for use with automatic data processing equipment for print-out of documents for administrative, commercial and technical use. References: ISO/R 187; ISO/R 215.
The method relates to a product packed in sacks, but it also gives the procdure to be followed for sampling in bulk. It first gives definitions of relevant terms. Then it gives general information specifies the apparatus, the method of sampling, the packing marking and dispatch of samples. Three figures show examples of suitable apparatus.
Paints and varnishes — Determination of viscosity at a high rate of shear
Describes a procedure for determining the viscosity of coating materials and related products at a rate of shear not less than 5000 s-1 and not higher than 20000 s-1. When products are being compared the rate of shear shall be approximately the same. The test shall be made at a closely controlled temperature unless otherwise agreed. The value obtained gives information about the resistance of the…
Digital electronic d.c. voltmeters and d.c. electronic analogue-to-digital converters
Applicable to digital electronic measuring instruments for the measurement of direct voltages and to electronic analogue-to-digital converters used in equipment and systems for data and information processing for the conversion of direct voltages. Special definitions. Requirements. Characteristics to be specified. Test conditions and methods for the verifications of compliance with requirements…
Voltmètres numériques et convertisseurs électroniques analogiques-numériques à courant continu
S'applique aux appareils de mesure électroniques numériques utilisés pour la mesure de tensions continues et aux convertisseurs électroniques analogiques-numériques utilisés dans des équipements et des systèmes pour le traitement des données et de l'information pour la conversion de tensions continues. A pour objet de fixer la terminologie particulière aux appareils électroniques…
Pulse techniques and apparatus - Part 1: Pulse terms and definitions
Provides fundamental definitions for general use in time domain pulse technology. It defines terms for pulse phenomena and characteristics which are prerequisite for efficient communication of technical information. It also defines terms for standards for methods of pulse characteristics measurement, for pulse apparatus, and for apparatus which employ pulse techniques.
Environmental testing - Part 3: Background information - Section
One: Cold and dry heat tests
Gives background information for Tests A: Cold (IEC 68-2-1), and
Tests B: Dry heat (IEC 68-2-2). Includes appendices on the effect
of: chamber size on the surface temperature of a specimen when no
forced air circulation is used; airflow on chamber conditions and
on surface temperatures of test specimens; wire termination
dimensions and material on surface temperature of a component;
Essais d'environnement - Troisième partie: Information de base - Section un: Essais de froid et...
Donne des informations de base sur les essais A: Froid, de la CEI 68-2-1, et sur les essais B: Chaleur sèche, de la CEI 68-2-2. L'article concernant les chambres d'essais renvoie à des annexes détaillées concernant les effets des dimensions de la chambre sur la température de surface d'un spécimen en l'absence de circulation forcée de l'air, les effets de la circulation…
Information processing - Unpunched paper cards - Specification
Defines the characteristics of general-purpose unpunched paper cards to be used information interchange between different punched card devices. References: ISO/R534; ISO/R 536; ISO/R 1974; ISO/R 2144; ISO 2493; ISO 2494; ISO 2758.