Specifies requirements relating to the performance and safety of
all oxygen analyzers or monitors intended for measuring oxygen
levels in a patient breathing mixture. It addresses in particular
the safety of sensor elements and the accuracy of the analyzer.
Requirements pertaining to construction, inspection,
sterilization or disinfection, servicing, disclosure of
information by the…
Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of sof...
Specifies a method using a disc-shped test piece to be prepared by moulding a test portion ina ring which is fitted into a heated bath. A steel ball is placed on the upper surface of the test piece. Then the temperature (softening temperature) is determined at which the test piece, on heating at a prescribed rate, softens sufficiently to sag to a specifeid depth under the mass of the ball.…
Ground Motion Determination for Seismic Qualification of CANDU Nuclear Power
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard describes the investigations required to obtain the seismological and geological information necessary to determine, for a proposed CANDU nuclear power plant site, the seismic ground motion that will be utilized in seismic qualification of safety-related plant structures and systems, and the potential for seismically induced phenomena that may have a direct or…
Agricultural food products — Determination of crude fibre content — General method
The method consists in boiling with sulphuric acid solution (after any necessary grinding and defatting), and separation and washing of the insoluble residue. Boiling this residue with sodium hydroxide solution, then separation, washing, drying and weighing of the insoluble residue, and determination of the loss in mass on incineration. An annex A specifies methods of extraction of fatty…
1.1 This standard applies to seven grades of commercial steel wool, ranging
from superfine to very coarse.
1.2 For more detailed information on uses, see par. 6.2.
1.3 This standard is primarily intended to serve the requirements of
Considerations on reference impedances for use in determining the disturbance characteristics of hou...
Records the information that was available and the factors that were taken into account in arriving at the reference impedance of 0.4+ j 0.25 ohm which has been incorporated in IEC 60555. Has the status of a technical report.
Considérations sur les impédances de référence à utiliser pour la détermination des caractéristiques...
Comprend les informations mises à disposition, ainsi que les facteurs pris en considération pour arriver à la valeur de l'impédance de référence de 0,4 + j 0,25 ohm qui a été incorporée dans la CEI 60555. Cette publication a le statut d'un rapport technique.