Defines generalized principles to be incorporated into the bibliographic filing rules of individual bibliographies, libraries, and documentation centres as well as those of entire nations or language groups. Is applicable to bibliographic information as printed or displayed, to the identification of filing units within bibliographic records for exchange in machine-readable form, and to the…
Technical drawings — Construction drawings — Simplified representation of demolition and rebuilding
Specifies rules for symbols and markings in general arrangement drawings and assembly drawings. In general the applications shown concern plans. Views and sections can be shown similarly. Outlines, dimensions and information in texts and the representation of building construction and parts of buildings are listed in form of tables.
Extension of the Latin alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange
Contains a set of 76 graphic characters with coded representations. Consists of a code table and a legend showing each graphic, its use, and its name. The character set is primarily intended for the interchange of information among data processing systems and within message transmission systems.
Impulsions électromagnétiques produites par les matériels de traitement de
l'information et d...
1. Domaine d'application
1.1 Généralités Cette norme établit les valeurs limites et les méthodes de mesu re des impulsions électromagnétiques produites par les matériels de traitement de l'information et de bureautique, et se propageant par rayonnement et par conduction.
1.2 Domaine d'application Cette norme s'applique aux matériels de traitement de l'…
Chemistry — Layouts for standards — Part 3: Standard for molecular absorption spectrometry
Establishes a layout for standard methods of analysis of solutions in the visible and near ultra-violet regions. Gives some recommendations for their presentation and wording. The layout is preceded by a clause "Therminology and definitions", which supplements the information given in ISO 6286.