Audiovisual, video and television equipment and systems. Part 16: Labelling for educational audio ca...
Specifies the information to be displayed and the location of that information on the labels of pre-recorded compact audio cassettes used for educational or training purposes.
Equipements et systèmes audiovisuels, vidéo et de télévision. Seizième partie: Etiquetage des casset...
Prescrit les informations à inscrire et l'emplacement de ces informations sur les étiquettes des cassettes audio compactes pré-enregistrées pour l'enseignement ou la formation professionnelle.
Dried milk — Determination of sodium and potassium contents — Flame emission spectrometric method
Covers all types of dried milk. The sampling shall be made as specified in ISO 707. A table gives information as to preparating and composition of 7 different sodium and potassium reference solutions.
This Standard covers graphical symbols which are to be used in
microfilming to convey information concerning the condition of the original
document, arrangement and production criteria.